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@article{Reaktor8953, author = {Sri Hidayati and Ahmad Zuidar and Astri Ardiani}, title = {APLIKASI SORBITOL PADA PRODUKSI BIODEGRADABLE FILM DARI NATA DE CASSAVA}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, year = {2015}, keywords = {biodegradable film nata de cassava, sorbitol}, abstract = { An experiment of sulfonation process of biodegraabale film was caried out using nata de cassava with variation of sorbitol concentration as plastisizer (0% (S0), 3% (S1), 6% (S2), 9% (S3), 12% (S4) and 15% (S5) by using Randomized Complete Design Block. The experiment result showed the best sorbitol concentration present in 9% sorbitol concentration The best characteristic of produced biodegradable film showed that v isual properties were achieved with transparent colored white stringy , tensile strength of 11.76 MPa , percent extension of 13.28 %, the solubility of 72.0 8%. This film can be degraded during 5 weeks. Keyword : biodegradable film, nata de cassava, sorbitol Abstrak Sebuah penelitian tentang proses produksi biodegradable film dari nata de cassava dengan perlakuan konsentrasi sorbitol sebagai plastisizer 0% (S0), 3% (S1), 6% (S2), 9% (S3), 12% (S4) dan 15% (S5) menggunakan Rancangan kelompok Acak lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi terbaik yaitu sorbitol 9%, dengan hasil penampakan visual yaitu berwarna transparan berserabut putih, kuat tarik sebesar 11,76 MPa, persen perpanjangan sebesar 13,28%, kelarutan sebesar 72,0 8 % . Film dapat terdegradasi selama 5 minggu. Kata Kunci: biodegradable fim, nata de cassava, sorbitol }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {195--203} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.15.3.195-203}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
An experiment of sulfonation process of biodegraabale film was caried out using nata de cassava with variation of sorbitol concentration as plastisizer (0% (S0), 3% (S1), 6% (S2), 9% (S3), 12% (S4) and 15% (S5) by using Randomized Complete Design Block. The experiment result showed the best sorbitol concentration present in 9% sorbitol concentration The best characteristic of produced biodegradable film showed that visual properties were achieved with transparent colored white stringy, tensile strength of 11.76 MPa, percent extension of 13.28%, the solubility of 72.08%. This film can be degraded during 5 weeks.
Keyword: biodegradable film, nata de cassava, sorbitol
Sebuah penelitian tentang proses produksi biodegradable film dari nata de cassava dengan perlakuan konsentrasi sorbitol sebagai plastisizer 0% (S0), 3% (S1), 6% (S2), 9% (S3), 12% (S4) dan 15% (S5) menggunakan Rancangan kelompok Acak lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi terbaik yaitu sorbitol 9%, dengan hasil penampakan visual yaitu berwarna transparan berserabut putih, kuat tarik sebesar 11,76 MPa, persen perpanjangan sebesar 13,28%, kelarutan sebesar 72,08%. Film dapat terdegradasi selama 5 minggu.
Kata Kunci: biodegradable fim, nata de cassava, sorbitol
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Last update: 2025-02-10 20:53:53
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University