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Analysis Of Regional Public Transport Supporting Infrastructure Based On Local Characteristics On The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Public Transport (Case Study: Trans Jateng Corridor 1 Semarang-Bawen)

Analisis Infrastruktur Pendukung Angkutan Umum Regional Berbasis Karakteristik Daerah terhadap Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Angkutan Umum (Studi Kasus: Trans Jateng Koridor 1 Semarang-Bawen)

Ismiyati Ismiyati  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
*Nuriyana Wahida Azka  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Bambang Riyanto  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Kami Hari Basuki  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2023 TEKNIK

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Congestion is a problem that affects many big cities in Indonesia, including Semarang City and Semarang Regency. Congestion is a result of the increasing population of Semarang City and Semarang Regency. Congestion increases in line with the development of business activities, housing, and offices, as well as the growth in motor vehicle use. Various ways attempted to overcome this. This includes sustainable mass transportation. Sustainable mass transportation has great potential in reducing congestion in big cities. An example of its application is Trans Central Java. It is used as mass transportation in Central Java Province, including the Semarang – Bawen route. On this route itself, traffic jams often occur, due to the high level of private vehicle use. Improving services and mass transportation infrastructure facilities, it is hoped that it will attract people's interest in moving to use mass transportation. This study aims to identify the supporting infrastructure for Trans Jateng Corridor 1 and analyze its influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of regional public transport. The method used in this study is computer simulation if the infrastructure is developed to be environmentally friendly based on regional characteristics and private vehicle users switch to regional public transportation Trans Jateng Corridor 1. The simulation results show that the movement of private vehicle users by 50%, 60%, and 70 % will affect the effectiveness and efficiency of Trans Jateng regional public transport services by 44% and reduce the level of congestion with an average indication of the Degree of Saturation (DS) of 0.37. The conclusion drawn is that integrated infrastructure based on regional characteristics will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Trans Jateng regional public transport services. The recommendation from this study is that to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of regional public transport services, it is necessary to develop integrated infrastructure based on regional characteristics.

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Keywords: regional public transportation; effectiveness; efficiency; integrated supporting infrastructure

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