Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang, Semarang, Telp/Fax. (024) 7476498, 0812326091280, warsito_osigeo@yahoo.com, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS1410, author = {Warsito Atmodjo}, title = {Sebaran Sedimen di Perairan Delta Sungai Bodri, Kendal, Jawa Tengah}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis sebaran sedimen, faktor arus serta gelombang yang mempengaruhinya di perairan delta Sungai Bodri. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Juni 2006. Metode eksploratif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sampel sedimen diambil dengan stratied purpose sampling berupa sedimen suspensi muara sungai dan sedimen dasar perairan Delta Sungai Bodri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran sedimen delta pada Sungai Bodri adalah gosong pasir (swas bar) dan pola akumulasi gosong pasir sejajar dengan garis pantai. Komposisi sedimen delta berupa lanau pasiran, pasir lanauan, dan pasir. Faktor hidrooseanogra yang mempengarihi sebaran sedimen delta Sungai Bodri yang dominan adalah debit Sungai Bodri 9,17 - 54,48 m 3 /dt.; input sedimen suspensi 0,26 – 0,42 kg/dt.; MSL pasut 58,65 cm.; LLWL pasut 37 cm.; HHWL 98 cm.; kedalaman perairan (-11) cm sampai (-111) cm.; kecepatan arus (0,16 to 0,68) m/dt.; arah arus Utara (210°-267°) Timur; tinggi gelombang (0,08-1,5) m dan arah gelombang Utara (200°-318°) Timur. Faktor oseanografi yang dominan pembentuk sebaran sedimen delta Sungai Bodri adalah gelombang. Kata Kunci : delta, sedimen, Sungai Bodri The pattern distribution of sediment of River Bodri delta and oceanographic factor influenced them are studied during May until June 2006. Explorative methods was apllied, the sample of sediment i.e. suspended and bottom sediment were taken from river mouth of Bodri. The results showed that the pattern sediment accumulation at delta River Bodri are swas bar and the sediment were spreaded out parallel with the coastal line. Component of sediment delta concist of sandy silt, silty sand and sand. Factor of hidro-oceanography which built distribution pattern of sediment delta of River Bodri as follows : The value of deschart River Bodri is 11,3315 m3/sec.; sediment suspention input 0,0835 kg/sec.; mean sea level of tides 58,65 cm.; height waters of low tides 37 cm.; height water of height tides 98 cm.; depth of subsurface waters (-11) cm to (-111) cm.; velocity of suurents is (0,16 to 0,68) m/ sec.; the trend of currents is North (2100-2670) degree East; height of wave (0,08-1,5) m and bearing of wave North (2000-3180) degree East. The dominant agent of oceanographic factors of pattern sediment accumulation in delta of River Bodri was waves energi. Key Words : delta, sediment, Bodri River}, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {53--58} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.15.1.53-58}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/1410} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis sebaran sedimen, faktor arus serta gelombang yang mempengaruhinya di perairan delta Sungai Bodri. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Juni 2006. Metode eksploratif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sampel sedimen diambil dengan stratied purpose sampling berupa sedimen suspensi muara sungai dan sedimen dasar perairan Delta Sungai Bodri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran sedimen delta pada Sungai Bodri adalah gosong pasir (swas bar) dan pola akumulasi gosong pasir sejajar dengan garis pantai. Komposisi sedimen delta berupa lanau pasiran, pasir lanauan, dan pasir. Faktor hidrooseanogra yang mempengarihi sebaran sedimen delta Sungai Bodri yang dominan adalah debit Sungai Bodri 9,17 - 54,48 m3/dt.; input sedimen suspensi 0,26 – 0,42 kg/dt.; MSL pasut 58,65 cm.; LLWL pasut 37 cm.; HHWL 98 cm.; kedalaman perairan (-11) cm sampai (-111) cm.; kecepatan arus (0,16 to 0,68) m/dt.; arah arus Utara (210°-267°) Timur; tinggi gelombang (0,08-1,5) m dan arah gelombang Utara (200°-318°) Timur. Faktor oseanografi yang dominan pembentuk sebaran sedimen delta Sungai Bodri adalah gelombang. Kata Kunci : delta, sedimen, Sungai Bodri
The pattern distribution of sediment of River Bodri delta and oceanographic factor influenced them are studied during May until June 2006. Explorative methods was apllied, the sample of sediment i.e. suspended and bottom sediment were taken from river mouth of Bodri. The results showed that the pattern sediment accumulation at delta River Bodri are swas bar and the sediment were spreaded out parallel with the coastal line. Component of sediment delta concist of sandy silt, silty sand and sand. Factor of hidro-oceanography which built distribution pattern of sediment delta of River Bodri as follows : The value of deschart River Bodri is 11,3315 m3/sec.; sediment suspention input 0,0835 kg/sec.; mean sea level of tides 58,65 cm.; height waters of low tides 37 cm.; height water of height tides 98 cm.; depth of subsurface waters (-11) cm to (-111) cm.; velocity of suurents is (0,16 to 0,68) m/ sec.; the trend of currents is North (2100-2670) degree East; height of wave (0,08-1,5) m and bearing of wave North (2000-3180) degree East. The dominant agent of oceanographic factors of pattern sediment accumulation in delta of River Bodri was waves energi.
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