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keanekaragaman Jenis Ekhinodermata di Perairan Likupang, Minahasa Utara, Sulawes Utara

1Bidang Penelitian Sumberdaya Laut, Puslit Oseanografi – LIPI Jl. Pasir Putih No. 1, Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara.

2Telp (021) 64713850, Fax (021) 64711948 E-mail:

Received: 31 Jan 2012; Published: 1 Feb 2012.

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Penelitian ekhinodermata di perairan Likupang, Minahasa Utara telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni dan Agustus 2008 di tiga stasiun. Pengambilan contoh biota dilakukan dengan menggunakan transek kuadrat ukuran 1m x 1m2. Dari hasil penelitian pada tiga lokasi didapatkan 28 jenis fauna ekhinodermata yang mewakili 7 jenis Holothuroidea, 9 jenis Echinoidea, 6 jenis Asteroidea dan 6 jenis Ophiuroidea. Kelompok Bulu babi atau Echinoidea merupakan kelompok yang paling menonjol untuk daerah lamun. Berdasarkan hasil transek yang dilakukan di tiga stasiun yang diamati, ternyata bahwa kelompok Bulu babi (Echinoidea) menempati tingkat kekayaan jenis relatif tinggi. Analisa kuantitatif memperlihatkan nilai indek diversitas tertinggi di Tiwoho stasiun 2 (H=1,380), nilai indek kemerataan tertinggi terdapat pada Lokasi Wolu stasiun 1 (J=0,900) dan nilai indek kekayaan jenis tertinggi didapatkan pada Lokasi Wolu stasiun 1 (D=13,377). Secara umum baik dalam jumlah jenis ataupun jumlah individu, fauna ekhinodermata di perairan Likupang, Minahasa Utara lebih miskin bila dibandingkan dengan di Perairan Tanjung Pai, Padaido Biak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat komposisi jenis, struktur komunitas, zonasi dan sebaran lokal.

Kata kunci: Ekhinodermata, Keanekaragaman, Darunu,  Minahasa Utara.


Observation on echinoderm diversity was carried out at coastal waters of three stasion of, June and Augustus 2008. The Purpose of the present study was to analyse species composition, community structure, zonation, and spatial distribution of echinoderm.Sampling was done by using a transect quadrant of 1 m x 1 m2. The results at July showed that at both locations 28 species of echinoderms, belonging to of 7 species holothuroidea, 9 species of echinoidea, 6 species asteroidean and 6 specis ophiuoroidea. The echinoidea were relatively common in the sea gras  zone. On the basis of population density, echinoidea was the dominant group and relatively highest in the individual density. The quantitative analysis on the abundance data revealed the highest diversity index of faunal assemblage at Tiwoho stasion 2 (H = 1,380) , the highest evenness index was exhibited by the echinoderms from Wolu stasion 1 (J = 0,900), while the highest species richness was represented by them from Wolu stasion 1 (D = 13,377). In general the number of species of echinoderm fauna in the Likupang Bay is smaller than that in the Padaido islands. The purpose of the present study was to see species composition, structure, zonation and spatial distribution of echinoderm.

Key words: Echinoderm, Diversity, Darunu, West Minahasa.

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