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Ekologi Perairan Delta Wulan Demak Jawa Tengah: Korelasi Sebaran Gastropoda dan Bahan Organik Dasar di Kawasan Mangrove

Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia

Published: 2 Dec 2006.

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Perairan Delta Wulan merupakan salah satu kawasan bermangrove yang memili kesuburan tinggi karenakandungan bahan organiknya. Banyak organisme yang berasosiasi dengan mangrove salah satunya adalahgastropoda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran gastropoda di kawasan mangroveperairan delta. Pengambilan sampel gastropoda dilakukan di kawasan mangrove dengan luasan 5x5 m pada4 stasiun yang berbeda. Hasil pengamatan ditemukan 7 famili dan 9 genus gastropoda. Kesembilan genusgastropoda hampir tersebar di keseluruhan stasiun, jumlah individu terbanyak di temukan pada stasiun I yanglokasinya dekat laut sedangkan yang terkecil pada stasiun IV yang lokasinya jauh dari laut. Pola sebarangstropoda pada masing masing stasiun adalah mengelompok dan indek kesamaan komunitas hampir setiapstasiun sama.

Kata kunci : Delta Wulan, gastropoda, organic dasar

Delta Wulan waters is one of the mangrove areas which has highest fertile condition due to high organicmatter conteint. Many of animals including gastropod were associated with mangrove vegetation to makesymbiotics between them. The aim of the research was to understand the dispersion of gastropod on mangroveforest of Delta Wulan areas. The samples were collected by using 5x5 square meter in 4 different stations.The research found 7 families and 9 genera of gastropod. Most of the gastropod was distributed on 4 stationsand the highest number of individual was found in station I which locoted closer with sea water and thelowest number was found at station IV which futher away from the sea. The dispersal pattern of gatropod intheir location was clumped and community similarity indices were also similar.

Key words: Delta Wulan, gastropod, benthic organic mater

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