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Optimum Sizing Algorithm for An Off Grid Plant Considering Renewable Potentials and Load Profile

Faculté des sciences de Gafsa, Compus universitaire sidi Ahmed zarroug, 2112 Gafsa, Tunisia University of Sfax, Tunisia

Published: 6 Nov 2017.
Editor(s): H Hadiyanto

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The energy demand in remote area cannot be satisfied unless renewable energy based plants are locally installed. In order to be efficient, such projects should be sized on the basis of maximizing the renewable energies exploitation and meeting the consumer needs. The aim of this work is to provide an algorithm-based calculation of the optimum sizing of a standalone hybrid plant composed of a wind generator, a photovoltaic panel, a lead acid-battery bank, and a water tank. The strategy consists of evaluating the renewable potentials (solar and wind). Obtained results are entered as inputs to established generators models in order to estimate the renewable generations. The developed optimal sizing algorithm which is based on iterative approach, computes plant components sizes for which load profile meet estimated renewable generations. The approach validation is conducted for A PV/Wind/Battery based farm located in Sfax, Tunisia. Obtained results proved that the energetic need is covered and only about 4% of the generated energy is not used. Also a cost investigation confirmed that the plant becomes profitable ten years after installation.

Article History: Received June 24th 2017; Received in revised form September 26th 2017; Accepted Sept 30th 2017; Available online

Citation: Brahmi, N., Charfi, S., and Chaabene, M. (2017) Optimum Sizing Algorithm for an off grid plant considering renewable potentials and load profile. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 6(3), 213-224.
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Keywords: Optimization, sizing algorithm; hybrid system; load profile; energy balance

Article Metrics:

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