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Editor(s): Ilmu Lingkungan

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Pencemaran tanah yang diakibatkan oleh penambangan minyak bumi berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan, vegetasi, dan kelimpahan arthropoda. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian dampak pencemaran minyak bumi di tanah terhadap komunitas Arthropoda. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan struktur komunitas arhtropoda tanah di sekitar lokasi eksplorasi minyak bumi. Kelembapan, pH, suhu tanah, dan kadar TPH tanah diukur dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan arthropoda. Penelitian dilakukan di sumur minyak bumi Desa Mangunjaya Kecamatan Babat Toman pada tanggal 19-24 Februari 2015. Arthropoda dikoleksi menggunakan pit fall traps dan corong barlese-tullgren, pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 96 titik. Identifikasi arthropoda dilakukan di Laboratorium Entomologi Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian. Analisis kadar TPH tanah menggunakan metode Gravimetri dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata TPH dan pH tanah di lokasi eksplorasi minyak bumi yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih rendah daripada eksplorasi oleh masyarakat. Kelembaban dan suhu tanah di lokasi eksplorasi oleh Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba lebih tinggi daripada di lokasi eksplorasi masyarakat. Kadar TPH, pH, kelembaban, dan suhu tanah tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan arhtropoda. Rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman arthropoda tergolong rendah dengan nilai indeks kurang dari 1.

Soil contamination caused by the extraction of petroleum affects the environment, vegetation, and abundance of arthropods. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact of oil pollution on the ground against arthropod community. The research has conducted to determine the differences of terrestrial arthropod around petroleum exploration. Moisture, pH, temperature, and soil TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon) levels were measured and analyzed to determine its effect on the diversity index, dominance, and evenness of arthropods. The research has been done in the petroleum wells in Mangunjaya village of Babat Toman Toman districts on February 19 to 24, 2015. Arthropods samples were taken using pit fall traps and funnel barlese-tullgren, total sampling points are 96 points. Identification of the arthropod family has been done in Entomology Laboratory of the Agriculture Plant Disease Faculty Sriwijaya University. Analysis of soil TPH levels are using Gravimetry methods carried out in the Chemistry Laboratory of Science Faculty, Sriwijaya University. The results showed an average TPH and pH of soil in petroleum exploration conducted by Pertamina EP 1 Field Asset Ramba lower than in locations that made exploration by the public. Moisture and soil temperature at the location of the exploration by Pertamina EP 1 Field Asset Ramba are higher than in public exploration location. TPH levels, pH, moisture, and soil temperature do not affect the diversity, dominance, and evenness arhtropod index. However, the average index of arthropod diversity is low with an index value of less than 1.

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Keywords: Petroleum exploration, arthropods, community structure,soil TPH, physical parameter

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    Any Kusumastuti, Wiwik Indrawati, Supriyanto, Almara Kurniawan. Agriprima : Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 6 (2), 2022. doi: 10.25047/agriprima.v6i2.488

Last update: 2025-02-25 02:50:27

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