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Diversity and Preference of Habitat Violin Crabs in Mangrove Areas Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek Regency, East Java

1Program studi pascasarjana biosain universitas sebelas maret

2Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret

Received: 25 Aug 2018; Published: 29 May 2019.
Editor(s): H Hadiyanto

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Mangrove merupakan suatu ekosistem yang khas dan menjadi sumber daya alam yang sangat berperan penting dalam keberlangsungan makhluk hidup. Salah satunya melibatkan faktor lingkungan perairan mangrove yang dapat menyebabkan kesuburan diperairan sehingga banyak ditemukannya biota air yang hidup di kawasan tersebut, salah satunya adalah kepiting biola. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman kepiting biola yang hidup di kawasan mangrove Pancer. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November-Desember 2017 di mangrove Pancer Cengkrong Kabupaten Trenggalek, Jawa timur. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan 7 jenis kepiting biola, yaitu Uca rosea, U.annulipes, U.forcipata, U.crassipes, U.vomeris, U.lactea dan U.paradussumieri. Tujuh spesies kepiting biola menempati beberapa tipe habitat yaitu, substart berpasir, substrat berlumpur, berlumpur dan berpasir, sekitar akar mangrove, serta akar mangrove yang berpasir. Indeks keanekaragaman kepiting biola di kawasan mangrove bagian stasiun 1 (3,4) tergolong tinggi, stasiun 2 (1,8), dan stasiun 3 (1,3) tergolong sedang. Kondisi lingkungan yang ada di seluruh stasiun relatif baik untuk kehidupan vegetasi mangrove dan kepiting biola. Kondisi tersebut ialah pH 7-9, suhu 27-31, salinitas 21,6 ppt, oksigen terlarut 5,5-8 mg/L, dan substrat lumpur berpasir. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ialah kerapatan vegetasi mangrove sangat berkaitan dengan kelimpahan jenis (kepadatan) kepiting biola serta banyaknya spesies di dalam suatu komunitas akan mempengaruhi keanekaragaman ekosistem yang ada di kawasan mangrove Pancer.


Kata kunci : Kepiting biola, mangrove, keanekaragaman, Trenggalek


Mangroves are a unique ecosystem and become a natural resource that plays an important role in the survival of living things. One of them involves the environmental factors of mangrove waters that can cause fertility in the waters so that many aquatic biota are found in the area, one of which is a violin crab. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of violin crabs that live in the Pancer mangrove area. This research was carried out in November to Desember 2017 in the mangrove Pancer Cengkrong Trenggalek Regency, East Java. The results found seven types of violin crabs, namely Uca rosea, U.annulipes, U.forcipata, U.crassipes, U.vomeris, U.lactea and U.paradussumieri. seven species of violin crabs occupy several types of habitats, namely sandy substrates, muddy substrate, muddy and sandy, around mangrove roots, and sandy mangrove roots. Diversity index of violin crabs in the station 1 (3,4) mangrove area classified as high, station 2 (1,8), and station 2 (1,3) classified as medium. The environmental conditions in al stations are relatively good for the life of mangrove vegetation and violin crabs. These conditions are pH 7-9, temperature 27-32, salinity 21.6 ppt, dissolved oxygen 5.5-8 mg/L, and sandy mud substrate. The conclusion of this study is that mangrove vegetation density is closely related to the abundance of species (density) of violin crabs and the number of species in a community will affect the diversity of ecosystems in the Pancer mangrove area.

Keywords: Violin Crab, Mangrove, Diversity, Trenggalek

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Subject Violin Crab, Mangrove, Diversity, Trenggalek
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Keywords: Violin Crab, Mangrove, Diversity, Trenggalek
Funding: suyanto

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Last update: 2025-03-14 14:09:06

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