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Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Mobile Sources in Jombang Urban Area during the Covid-19 Pandemic

1Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia

2Magister Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia

Received: 10 Aug 2021; Revised: 10 Sep 2021; Accepted: 13 Sep 2021; Available online: 20 Sep 2021; Published: 7 Nov 2021.
Editor(s): H. Hadiyanto

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Pada Desember 2019, wabah penyakit pneumonia yang disebabkan oleh coronaviruse ditemukan Wuhan, China. Penyakit ini telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia hingga saat ini. Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan agar masyarakat tidak berkegiatan di tempat umum. Beberapa kawasan perkotaan mengalami penurunan jumlah kendaraan secara signifikan. Penelitian ini menganalisis emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) dari sumber bergerak di Kabupaten Jombang ketika penerapan kebijakan PSBB di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode analisis emisi gas rumah kaca menggunakan metode Tier 2 (Vehicle Kilometer Traveled) yang menggunakan pendekatan berdasarkan panjang perjalanan. Data primer diambil dengan traffic counting pada wilayah adminsitrasi kawasan perkotaan Jombang. Hasil penelitian menujukkan terdapat pengurangan kendaraan terutama angkutan umum seperti bus baik bus antar kota maupun antar provinsi. Berdasarkan wilayah administratif, Kecamatan Jombang memiliki emisi gas rumah kaca CO2eq tertinggi sebesar 119372,29 ton/tahun, diikuti oleh Kecamatan Perak sebesar 46.679,04 ton/tahun  dan Kecamatan Diwek 52799,15 ton/tahun. Ruas jalan nasional di kawasan perkotaan jombang menjadi penyumbang emisi gas rumah kaca CO2eq tertinggi yaitu 113877,99 ton/tahun.



In December 2019, an outbreak of pneumonia caused by the coronavirus was found in Wuhan, China. This disease has spread throughout the world until this time. The Indonesian government issued a policy so that people do not carry out activities in public places. Several urban areas have experienced a significant decrease in the number of vehicles. This study analyzes greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from mobile sources in Jombang urban area during the implementation of the PSBB policy in COVID-19 pandemic. Analyzing greenhouse gas emissions method uses the Tier 2 (Vehicle Kilometer Traveled) method that uses an approach based on the length of the trip. Primary data was taken by traffic counting on the administration area of Jombang urban area. The results depicted that there was a reduction in vehicles, especially public transportation such as buses, both inter-city, and inter-provincial buses. Jombang District has the highest CO2eq greenhouse gas emissions of 119372.29 tons/year, followed by Perak District at 46679.04 tons/year and Diwek District 52799.15 tons/year. National roads in the Jombang urban area are the highest contributor to CO2eq greenhouse gas emissions, namely 113877.99 tons/year.

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Keywords: carbon dioxide; covid-19; gas emissions; jombang; pandemic

Article Metrics:

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