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Model Parameter Kinetika Biologis Proses Lumpur Aktif Air Limbah Kertas Berdasarkan Variasi Waktu Detensi Pada Kondisi Tidak Tunak

Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, IPB University., Indonesia

Received: 17 Mar 2022; Revised: 11 Jun 2022; Accepted: 30 Jul 2022; Available online: 30 Sep 2022; Published: 1 Oct 2022.
Editor(s): Budi Warsito

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Sistem konvensional lumpur aktif untuk limbah cair industri kertas memanfaatkan mekanisme proses biologis oleh mikroorganisme tanpa penambahan bahan kimia. Kondisi proses pengolahan lumpur aktif sangat dinamis sehingga membutuhkan beberapa pendekatan pemodelan kinetika biologis (biokinetika) berdasarkan kondisi tidak tunak. Parameter umum biokinetika pada unit lumpur aktif meliputi laju pertumbuhan maksimum (µmax), konsentrasi setengah saturasi (Ks), koefisien produksi sintesis sel (Y), dan koefisien kematian mikroorganisme (Ke). Tujuan penelitian ini meliputi analisis kinerja unit lumpur aktif pada waktu detensi 6, 8, dan 12 jam, estimasi nilai koefisien biokinetika pada kondisi tidak tunak, serta mengetahui pengaruh nilai biokinetika untuk memprediksi kualitas efluen air limbah. Estimasi nilai biokinetika diperoleh berdasarkan variasi model non-inhibitor dan inhibitor nitrit berdasarkan Persamaan Monod, Contois, Sokol-Howell, Jerusalimski, dan Hinshelwood. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, nilai biokinetika dalam kondisi kondisi tidak tunak tanpa inhibitor nitrit untuk Ke (hari-1), Y (mgMLVSSS/mgCOD), µmax (hari-1), dan Ks (mg/L) pada HRT 6 jam  berturut-turut sebesar 0,025; 8,59; 10,0; dan 42,03 (Sokol-Howell); HRT 8 jam berturut-turut sebesar 0,145; 0,93; 60,3; dan 43,08 (Sokol-Howell); dan HRT 12 jam berturut-turut sebesar 0,708; 3,09; 2,0; dan 64,89 (Monod). Selain itu, nilai biokinetika dalam kondisi kondisi tidak tunak dengan efek inhibitor nitrit untuk Ke (hari-1), Y (mgMLVSSS/mgCOD), µmax (hari-1), dan Ks (mg/L) pada HRT 6 jam  berturut-turut sebesar 0,795; 2,26; 2,0; dan 57,57 (Jerusalimski); HRT 8 jam berturut-turut sebesar 1,96; 3,56; 3,4; dan 48,75 (Hinshelwood); dan HRT 12 jam berturut-turut sebesar 3,435; 11,62; 5,7; dan 45,02 (Hinshelwood). Nilai biokinetika ini representatif digunakan untuk aplikasi perencanaan skala lapangan, terutama untuk prediksi kualitas efluen air limbah dan desain dimensi unit pengolahan.

Kata kunci: air limbah kertas, biokinetika, lumpur aktif, waktu detensi, tidak tunak.


Activated sludge is the conventional biological unit for treating paper-mill wastewater using microorganism activities without adding some chemicals. The dynamic condition of the activated sludge requires several approaches to estimate biological kinetic (biokinetics) modelling based on unsteady conditions. General parameters of biokinetics in activated sludge units include maximum growth rate (µmax), half-saturation concentration (Ks), yield coefficient (Y), and endogenous decay coefficient (Ke). The aim of this study was to analyze the activated sludge unit performance at hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6, 8, and 12 hours, estimate the value of the biokinetic coefficient, and obtain the affect of biokinetic values for predicting the effluent wastewater quality. Estimation of biokinetic values was obtained based on variations in the non-inhibitor and the nitrite inhibitor models based on the Monod, Contois, Sokol-Howell, Jerusalimski, and Hinshelwood equations. Based on statistical analysis, the biokinetic values in unsteady state without nitrite inhibitors for Ke (day-1), Y (mgMLVSSS/mgCOD), µmax (day-1), dan Ks (mg/L) at HRT 6 hours were 0.025; 8.59; 10.0; and 42.03 (Sokol-Howell Eq.), respectively; at HRT 8 hours 0.145; 0.93; 60.3; and 43.08 (Sokol-Howell Eq.), respectively; at HRT 12 hours were 0.708; 3.09; 2.0; and 64.89 (Monod Eq.), respectively. In addition, the biokinetic values in unsteady conditions affecting nitrite as inhibitor for Ke (day-1), Y (mgMLVSSS/mgCOD), µmax (day-1), dan Ks (mg/L) at HRT 6 hours were 0.795; 2.26; 2.0; and 57.57 (Jerusalimski's Eq.), respectively; on HRT 8 hours of 1.96; 3.56; 3,4; and 48.75 (Hinshelwood's Eq.), respectively; on HRT 12 hours of 3,435; 11.62; 5.7; and 45.02 (Hinshelwood's Eq.), respectively. These biokinetic values representive to be used for predicting the quality of wastewater effluents and designing unit dimensions.

Keywords: activated sludge, biokinetic, paper-mill wastewater, detention time, unsteady-state.

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Keywords: air limbah kertas, biokinetika, lumpur aktif, waktu detensi, tidak tunak

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