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Prodi Bahasa Jepang, Fakultas Bahasa, Universitas Widyatama, Indonesia

Received: 28 Sep 2016; Published: 31 Jul 2017.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 IZUMI under

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[Title: The formation of goroawase pattern in Japanese]Goroawase ( Japanese wordplay in number) is one of the phenomenon of language in japan.Goroawase can be defined as a language game that is widely used as a technique to memorize numbers or important numbers in Japan.This study aims to determine how the pattern formation of goroawase in Japanese. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method.Goroawase formed by means of use way read numbers in japanese to form a word which has a particular meaning. The formation of goroawase is divided into two types, there are derived from number into word and word into number. The formation of derived from numbers into a word generally used as a mnemonic ( memorizing techniques ) as in considering important years in Japan, mathematical formulas, and to remember the spesific of anniversary date.for example, the discovery of America , namely the year 1492 read as iyokuni. Goroawase which comes from the words into numbers is generally used as the making of a password , email address ( e-mail) or a private telephone number that can be customized with its own name or by words such desired aishiteru written words into 14 106 .

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Keywords: Puns; number;goroawase

Article Metrics:

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  3. Schourup, Lawrence. 2000. “Japanese Number Mnemonics”. The Journal of The Association of Teachers of Japanese, Vol. 34, No. 2
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  6. Sumber Data :
  7. (1) Musashi (634)
  8. <, diakses pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2015, pukul 13:39>
  9. (2) Nakuyo (794)
  10. <, diakses pada tanggal 11 september 2015, pukul 9:35>
  11. (3) Nishi Muku Samurai (246911)
  12. <, diakses pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2015, pukul 13:39>
  13. (4) Sankyu (39)
  14. <, diakses pada tanggal 14 januari 2016, pukul 5:42>
  15. (5) Gomi (5月3日)
  16. <, diakses pada tanggal 17 Januari 2016, pukul 9:32>
  17. (6) Konami (573)
  18. <, diakses pada tanggal 23 September 2015, pukul 9:35>
  19. (7) Yama (80)
  20. <, diakses pada tanggal 23 September 2015, pukul 9:37>
  21. (8) Ichigo (1月5日)
  22. <, diakses pada tanggal 9 oktober 2015, pukul 7:42>
  23. (9) Tsuna (27)<, diakses pada tanggal 23 September 2015, pukul 9:37>
  24. (10) Aishiteru (14106)
  25. <, diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari 2016, pukul 15:44>
  26. (11) Marugo ii kusuri (051193)
  27. <, diakses pada tanggal 14 November 2015, pukul 7:42>

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