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Pengaruh pemberian ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.Poir) terhadap kadar superoksida dismutase (SOD) tikus wistar jantan (Rattus Norvegicus) yang dipapar asap rokok

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 30 Jul 2019; Published: 6 Feb 2020.

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Background: Cigarette smoke exposure is one of the source of free radicals that causes oxidative stress and decreases superoxide dismutase (SOD) level. Purple fleshed sweet potato is a type of food that contains antioxidants to neutralize oxidative stress.

Objectives: To study the effect of purple fleshed sweet potato on superoxide dismutase (sod) level on rats exposed to cigarette smoke.

Methods: This was a true experimental study with a post-test randomized control group design. The rats were randomized into 4 groups (6 rats in each group). The negative control group (K-) was treated with standard diet; the positive control group (K+) was treated with cigarette smoke exposure and standard diet; the treatment 1 (P1) group was treated with standard diet and purple fleshed sweet potato with the dose of 8 g / 200 g bw/day, and the treatment 2 (P2) group was treated with cigarette smoke exposure and purple fleshed sweet potato with the dose of 8 g /200 g bw/day.

Results: There was a significant difference of SOD levels in each group (p=0.00) except between group K- and P1. Giving purple fleshed sweet potatoes increased SOD levels as much as 85.81±4.59 (P1). The K+ group had the lowest SOD level 22.34±3.98. The SOD level for K- group and P2 group was 82.27±4.59 and 67.73±6.68 respectively.

Conclusion: The highest SOD level is on the treatment 1 group which is administered with purple fleshed sweet potato.

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Keywords: Purple fleshed sweet potato; SOD; oxidative stress
Funding: Indofood Riset Nugraha

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Last update: 2025-02-22 22:59:22

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