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*Febrina Agusti  -  Universitas Duta Bangsa, Indonesia
Muhammad Syarqim Muhfudz  -  Universitas Duta Bangsa, Indonesia
Fajar Tri Risqi  -  Universitas Duta Bangsa, Indonesia
Kumaratih Kumaratungga Dewi  -  Universitas Duta Bangsa, Indonesia

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Kesiapan menghadapi Industry 4.0 dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan penilaian. Berdasarkan model penilaian terdahulu menghasilkan kerangka kerja yang dapat dimodifikasi. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah modifikasi alat penilaian kesiapan Industry 4.0 agar dapat sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia. Implementasi penilaian akan dilakukan di Kota Surakarta yaitu perusahaan textile dan rokok. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Metode Delphi dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian yaitu didapatkan 2 indikator baru untuk menilai kesiapan Industri 4.0 yang sudah tervalidasi yaitu Indikator Sosial Teknologi dan Indikator Penelitian dan Pendanaan yang masuk pada Aspek Organisasi dan Budaya. Penilaian secara keseluruhan pada perusahaan sektor textile memiliki nilai kesiapan Industri 4.0 sebesar 0,94 dan perusahaan sektor rokok sebesar 0,82, dimana kedua sektor perusahaan masuk pada kriteria level 1 yaitu tahap awal penerapan Industri 4.0. Rekomendasi yang dirumuskan untuk langkah preventif kesiapan perusahaan menghadapi Industry 4.0 yaitu inovasi barcode pada kemasan, pembentukan divisi penelitian, inovasi mesin otomasi, dan sosialisasi industry 4.0.



[Modification of Assessment Tools Readiness Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing Companies] Readiness for Industry 4.0 can be done by conducting an assessment. Based on the previous assessment model, it produces a framework that can be modified. The aim of this research is to modify the Industry 4.0 readiness assessment tool so that it is in accordance with the situation and conditions of companies in Indonesia. The implementation of the assessment will be carried out in Surakarta City, namely textile and cigarette companies. The method used is the Delphi method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of the study obtained 2 new indicators to assess the readiness of industry 4.0 which have been validated, namely Social Technology Indicators and Research and Funding Indicators which are included in Organizational and Cultural Aspects. The overall assessment of the textile sector companies has an industrial readiness value of 0.94 for industry 4.0 and for cigarette sector companies of 0.82, where both company sectors are included in the level 1 criteria, namely the initial stage of implementing Industry 4.0. Recommendations formulated for preventive steps for company readiness to face Industry 4.0, namely innovation of barcodes on packaging, establishment of research divisions, innovation of automation machines, and socialization of industry 4.0.

Keywords: modification; readiness; assessment tool; Industry 4.0

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Keywords: modifikasi; kesiapan; alat penilaian; Industri 4.0

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