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*Nia Budi Puspitasari  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Reihan Damario Alfarel  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Aries Susanty  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Penilaian performansi bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi, kepuasan kerja, dan komitmen pegawai terhadap organisasi. Nilai dan budaya organisasi adalah aspek yang perlu diintegrasikan dengan proses penilaian performansi yang berorientasi pada pengembangan pegawai. PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa outsourcing yang memiliki pegawai outsource yang melebihi 1.000 orang. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan penilaian performansi pegawai Head Office (HO) PT. XYZ masih menggunakan sistem penilaian searah dan tertutup, selain itu belum ada evaluasi maupun feedback yang diberikan dari hasil penilaian yang dilakukan. Pegawai merasa program pengembangan & pembelajaran, sistem penilaian, dan penghargaan masih belum sesuai dengan ekspektasi. Hal ini berdampak pada kepuasan pegawai dan menjadi salah satu latar belakang meningkatnya angka turn over pegawai pada tahun 2021. Penelitian ini membahas tentang sistem penilaian performansi pegawai HO sebagai upaya awal meningkatkan kepuasan pegawai dan merangsang peningkatan performa. Fuzzy AHP dengan metode penilaian 360 Degree feedback digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan terhadap kesubjektifan penilaian. Metode penilaian yang digunakan diintegrasikan dengan nilai dan budaya perusahaan. Berdasarkan perhitungan fuzzy AHP dimensi dengan bobot tertinggi adalah performansi tugas 0,595, performansi adaptif 0,205, performansi kontekstual 0,144, dan perilaku kerja kontraproduktif 0,056. Hasil penilaian kemudian digunakan untuk proses perhitungan pemberian insentif.



[Development of Employee Performance Appraisal System in Outsourcing Service Companies] Performance appraisal aims to develop employee potential, job satisfaction, and commitment to the organization. Organizational values and culture are aspects that need to be integrated with a performance appraisal process that is oriented toward employee development. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in outsourcing services with more than 1,000 outsourced employees. In carrying out employee performance appraisal activities at the Head Office (HO) of PT. XYZ still uses a unidirectional and closed scoring system, apart from that there has been no evaluation or feedback given from the results of the assessment. Employees feel that development & learning programs, assessment systems, and awards are still not in line with expectations. This has an impact on employee satisfaction and is one of the reasons for increasing employee turnover rates in 2021. This research discusses the HO employee performance appraisal system as an initial effort to increase employee satisfaction and stimulate increased performance. Fuzzy AHP with a 360 Degree feedback assessment method is used to solve problems regarding the subjectivity of the assessment. The valuation method used is integrated with the company's values and culture. Based on the AHP fuzzy calculation, the dimension with the highest weight is task performance 0.595, adaptive performance 0.205, contextual performance 0.144, and counterproductive work behavior 0.056. The results of the assessment are then used for the process of calculating incentives.

Keywords: 360 Degree Feedback, Fuzzy AHP, Incentive, Performance Appraisal

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Keywords: 360 Degree Feedback; Fuzzy AHP; Insentif; Penilaian Performansi

Article Metrics:

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