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Praktik Penggunaan Kelambu Berinsektisida dan Insektisida Rumah Tangga Berbahan Aktif Piretroid di Daerah Fokus Malaria Kabupaten Purworejo (Studi di Desa Kaliharjo, Kecamatan Kaligesing, Kabupaten Purworejo)

*Nurul Isro Ulviana  -  Mahasiswa Peminatan Entomologi Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Martini Martini  -  Bagian Epidemiologi dan Penyakit Tropik, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Nissa Kusariana  -  Bagian Epidemiologi dan Penyakit Tropik, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2021 Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

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Background: Malaria vector control by the public, such as by using insecticide-treated nets and household insecticides. Pyrethroid class insecticides to be one type of insecticide that is recommended by the WHO. While all household insecticides also contain active synthetic pyrethroids. The use of pyrethroid insecticides on insecticide-treated nets and households in the long term can lead to resistance against mosquitoes. This study aims to describe insecticide-treated nets and household insecticides in malaria-endemic areas of Purworejo.

Methods: This study was an observational study descriptive and had a total sample of 85 people—the samples' determination using the formula solving and simple random sampling technique. The research respondents were family members from selected households in Kaliharjo Village, Kaligesing District, Purworejo Regency. Interviews using a questionnaire and observation sheet. The interview data were processed by using the frequency distribution test and descriptive analysis using the SPSS program.

Result: Based on the results of the study can be stated that of all the people who get a mosquito net, a large majority (76.5%) using insecticide-treated nets for more than two years, and 80% always used during nighttime sleep. In household insecticides, a small proportion (38.8%) of the community used household insecticides at night, 18.8% were used routinely once a day, and 29.4% used more than two years.

Conclusion: The practice of using insecticide-treated nets and households for an extended period continuously can trigger malaria vector resistance.

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Keywords: insecticide-treated nets, household insecticide, pyrethroid, malaria
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