Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UNSRI, Indonesia
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@article{JKLI15135, author = {Inoy Trisnaini and Tri Kumala Sari and Feranita Utama}, title = {Identifikasi Habitat Fisik Sungai dan Keberagaman Biotilik Sebagai Indikator Pencemaran Air Sungai Musi Kota Palembang}, journal = {Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, year = {2018}, keywords = {pencemaran air; sungai musi; biotilik; habitat fisik sungai. (water pollution;musi river; biotilik; physical habitat of the river)}, abstract = { Latar belakang : Sungai menjadi salah satu pemasok air terbesar untuk kebutuhan mahluk hidup yang memiliki fungsi penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Sungai Musi merupakan sumberdaya alam yang menjadi salah satu jalur utama perdagangan dan pemasok air terbesar bagi penduduk Sumatera Selatan. Akan tetapi kondisi Sungai Musi telah mengalami perubahan disebabkan saratnya pemukiman dan industri. Aktivitas ini akan berdampak terhadap kondisi fisik sungai serta habitat hewan air yang menghuni perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi habitat fisik sungai serta keberagaman biotilik sebagai indicator pencemaran perairan Sungai Musi Kota Palembang. Metode : Penilaian pencemaran perairan ditentukan dengan melihat indicator habitat fisik sungai dan keberagaman biotilik sungai melalui biota makro invertebrata, serta menggunakan metode wawancara. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air perairan Sungai Musi di Wilayah Sebrang Ulu I dan II berada dalam kondisi buruk, terlihat dari hasil observasi yang menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas (lebih dari 70%) parameter berada pada indicator buruk (C). Serta hanya ditemukan satu biota air yaitu ikan. Hasil laboratorium menunjukkan nilai TSS di kedua titik melebihi nilai standar normal, sedangkan nilai COD dan BOD masih di bawah nilai standar normal. Simpulan : Perairan Sungai Musi di Wilayah Sebrang Ulu I dan II, termasuk ke dalam kategori Buruk (C). Hal ini didasarkan hasil pemeriksaan habitat fisik sungai, pemeriksaan hewan biotilik Serta pemeriksaan kadar TSS, BOD dan COD. ABSTRACT Title :Identification of thePhysicalHabitatandDiversityRiverBiotilikas Indicatorsof Water PollutionMusi RiverPalembang Background : Rivers became one of the largest water supplier for the needs of living things that have important functions for human life. Musi River is a natural resource that is becoming one of the main lines of trade and the largest supplier of water for the residents of South Sumatra. But conditions have changed Musi River caused there are more residential and industrial. This activity will have an impact on the physical condition of the river as well as the habitat of aquatic animals that inhabit the waters. This study aims to identify the physical habitat of the river as well as the diversity biotilik as an indicator of pollution of the waters of the Musi River Palembang. Method: The assessment of water pollution is determined by observing the indicator of the river's physical habitat by looking at the baseline substrate characteristic indicator consisting of 6 (six) parameters and indicators of river health disturbance factor consisting of 12 (twelve) parameters and biotenic diversity of the river through invertebrate macro biota, using interview methods to the local community. Result : The results showed that the water quality of the waters of the Musi River in Sebrang Ulu I and II were in poor condition, visible from the observation showed that the majority (over 70%) the parameters that were in bad indicator (C). As well as just founded the water biota was fish. The laboratory result showes the value of TSS in the second point of exceeding the normal standard, while the COD and BOD values were still below the normal standard. Conclusion: T he waters of the Musi River in Sebrang Ulu I and II are included in the Bad category (C). This is based on the results of examination of the river's physical habitat, examination of biotic animals and examination of TSS, BOD and COD levels }, issn = {2502-7085}, pages = {1--8} doi = {10.14710/jkli.17.1.1-8}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/jkli/article/view/15135} }
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Latar belakang: Sungai menjadi salah satu pemasok air terbesar untuk kebutuhan mahluk hidup yang memiliki fungsi penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Sungai Musi merupakan sumberdaya alam yang menjadi salah satu jalur utama perdagangan dan pemasok air terbesar bagi penduduk Sumatera Selatan. Akan tetapi kondisi Sungai Musi telah mengalami perubahan disebabkan saratnya pemukiman dan industri. Aktivitas ini akan berdampak terhadap kondisi fisik sungai serta habitat hewan air yang menghuni perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi habitat fisik sungai serta keberagaman biotilik sebagai indicator pencemaran perairan Sungai Musi Kota Palembang.
Metode: Penilaian pencemaran perairan ditentukan dengan melihat indicator habitat fisik sungai dan keberagaman biotilik sungai melalui biota makro invertebrata, serta menggunakan metode wawancara.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air perairan Sungai Musi di Wilayah Sebrang Ulu I dan II berada dalam kondisi buruk, terlihat dari hasil observasi yang menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas (lebih dari 70%) parameter berada pada indicator buruk (C). Serta hanya ditemukan satu biota air yaitu ikan. Hasil laboratorium menunjukkan nilai TSS di kedua titik melebihi nilai standar normal, sedangkan nilai COD dan BOD masih di bawah nilai standar normal.
Simpulan: Perairan Sungai Musi di Wilayah Sebrang Ulu I dan II, termasuk ke dalam kategori Buruk (C). Hal ini didasarkan hasil pemeriksaan habitat fisik sungai, pemeriksaan hewan biotilik Serta pemeriksaan kadar TSS, BOD dan COD.
Title:Identification of thePhysicalHabitatandDiversityRiverBiotilikas Indicatorsof Water PollutionMusi RiverPalembang
Background: Rivers became one of the largest water supplier for the needs of living things that have important functions for human life. Musi River is a natural resource that is becoming one of the main lines of trade and the largest supplier of water for the residents of South Sumatra. But conditions have changed Musi River caused there are more residential and industrial. This activity will have an impact on the physical condition of the river as well as the habitat of aquatic animals that inhabit the waters. This study aims to identify the physical habitat of the river as well as the diversity biotilik as an indicator of pollution of the waters of the Musi River Palembang.
Method: The assessment of water pollution is determined by observing the indicator of the river's physical habitat by looking at the baseline substrate characteristic indicator consisting of 6 (six) parameters and indicators of river health disturbance factor consisting of 12 (twelve) parameters and biotenic diversity of the river through invertebrate macro biota, using interview methods to the local community.
Result: The results showed that the water quality of the waters of the Musi River in Sebrang Ulu I and II were in poor condition, visible from the observation showed that the majority (over 70%) the parameters that were in bad indicator (C). As well as just founded the water biota was fish. The laboratory result showes the value of TSS in the second point of exceeding the normal standard, while the COD and BOD values were still below the normal standard.
Conclusion: The waters of the Musi River in Sebrang Ulu I and II are included in the Bad category (C). This is based on the results of examination of the river's physical habitat, examination of biotic animals and examination of TSS, BOD and COD levels
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