Latar belakang: Pestisida berfungsi megendalikan hama sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi petani jika dalam dosis tepat. Jenis pestisida yang banyak digunakan petani adalah organofosfat. Organofosfat mudah terserap pada kulit sehingga berdampak terhadap enzim kolinesterase. Terhambatnya kerja enzim kolinesterase menyebabkan asetilkolinesterase dalam darah menurun dan penyebaran impuls dari neuron ke pusat tidak stabil sehingga menjadi indikator keracunan pestisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan organofosfat dengan kadar kolinesterase pada petani sayuran kubis di Desa TanjungRejo, Jember.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian observasional analitik dan desain cross-sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Juli - Agustus 2020 pada petani sayuran di desa Tanjung Rejo, Jember. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 90 responden dengan sampel sebanyak 35 responden dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Variabel penelitian yaitu variable bebas (pajanan pestisida, faktor individu dan lingkungan) dengan variabel terikat yaitu kadar kolinesterase. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Pengujian kadar kolinesterase menggunakan fotometrik kinetik di Laboratorium Prosend Jember. Analisis data bivariat menggunakan Uji spearmann dengan nilaisignifikansi 0,05.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian yaitu trdapat 2 responden dengan kadar kolinesterase tidak normal. Nilai minimal kolinesterase laki-laki (4620 U/L), sedangkan perempuan 3930 U/L. Hasil analisis menunjukkan faktor individu (tingkat pengetahuan p = 0,003), lingkungan (kelembaban p = 0,045, temperatur p = 0,006, dan arah angin p = 0,032) memiliki hubungan dengan kadar kolinesterase.
Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan, kelembaban, temperatur serta arah angin dengan penurunan kadar kolinesterase sehingga petani perlu menggunakan APD dan mematuhi petunjuk pemakaian pestisida dalam kemasan termasuk memperhatikan waktu, frekuensi dan lama penyemprotan.
Title: Analysis of Organophosphate Exposure to Cholinesterase Levels in Farmers Vegetables in Tanjungrejo Village, Jember Regency
Background: Pesticides function to control pests so that they can increase farmers' production if in the right dosage. Type of pesticide widely used by farmers is organophosphate. Organophosphates are easily absorbed by the skin so they have impact on cholinesterase enzyme. Inhibition of the action of the cholinesterase enzyme causes a decrease in acetylcholinesterase in the blood and the spread of impulses from neurons to the center is unstable so that it becomes an indicator of pesticide poisoning. Research aims to analyze the relationships between organophosphates ‘and cholinesterase levels in cabbage farmers in Tanjung Rejo Village, Jember.Methods: The research uses a quantitative approachwith an analytic observational research type and a cross -sectional design.Research was conducted in July - August 2020 on vegetable farmers in Tanjung Rejo village, Jember. The research population was 90 Respondents with 30 sample using simple random sampling technique. The research variable is the independent variable (pesticide exposure, individual and environmental factors) with the dependent variable being cholinesterase levels. Instrument used a questionnaire aand observation. Testing of cholinesterase levels using kinetic photometrics at the Jember Prosend Laboratory. Bivariate data analysis used spearman's test with significance 0.05.Result: The results of the study were 2 respondents with abnormal cholinesterase’ levels. The minimum value of cholinesterase is male (4620 U/L), while female is 3930 U/L. The results of the analysis showed that individual factors(knowledge level p=0.003), environment (humidity p=0.045, temperature p=0.006, and wind direction p=0.032) had a relationship with cholinesterase levels.Conclusion: There is relationship between level knowledge, humidity, temperature and wind direction with a decrease in cholinesterase levels so that farmers need to use PPE and comply with the instructions for using pesticides in packaging including paying attention to the time, frequency and duration of spraying.Note: This article has supplementary file(s).
Subject | Penggunaan Pestisida, Kadar Kolinesterase, Faktor individu, Faktor Pajanan, dan Faktor Lingkungan |
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