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The Analysis of the Impact of Petroleum Mining on the Environment and Community Economy in Wonocolo Village of Bojonegoro Regency

1Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember University, Jln. Kalimantan Tegalboto No. 37, Krajan Timur, Sumbersari, Jember 68121, Indonesia

2Faculty of Agriculture, Jember University, Jln. Kalimantan Tegalboto No. 37, Krajan Timur, Sumbersari, Jember 68121, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2024 Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia under

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Latar belakang: Pertambangan minyak bumi tradisional menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan terutama pada tanah. Proses pengolahan minyak bumi menggunakan alat sederhana menyebabkan minyak mentah tumpah ke permukaan tanah yang dapat merubah sifat-sifat tanah. Pertambangan minyak bumi tradisional juga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat lokal karena dikelola langsung oleh masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan sifat fisika dan kimia tanah tercemar limbah minyak bumi serta perbandingan pendapatan masyarakat dari hasil penambangan minyak pada tahun 2010 dengan 2023.

Metode: Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Analisis deskriptif melalui survey lapangan digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi tanah secara fisika dan kimia serta kondisi perekonimian masyarakat lokal yang dilakukan pada tahun 2023. Parameter kualitas tanah yang diperiksa antara lain struktur tanah, konsistensi tanah, tekstur tanah, warna tanah, dan pH tanah yang dilakukan pada 7 titik berbeda dimana sampel titik 4 merupakan sampel tanah tidak tercemar limbah minyak bumi. Perbandingan pendapaan masyarakat deperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap 7 pekerja tambang yang secara khusus mewakili populasi yang diinginkan

Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan hilangnya konsistensi pada permukaan tanah, tekstur tanah didominasi pasir, warna tanah menjadi hitam pekat, dan pH tanah berubah. Limbah minyak bumi tidak dapat merubah struktur tanah secara partikel, akan tetapi limbah minyak dapat menyelimuti partikel-partikal tanah karena minyak bumi memiliki efek pelumasan. Hasil pendapatan dari pertambangan minyak bumi mengalami penurunan dan tidak lagi dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat lokal.

Simpulan: Limbah minyak bumi dapat merubah sifat fisik dan kimia pada tanah serta meracuninya sehingga merusak ekosistem tanah, sedangkan hasil pertambangan minyak bumi mengalami penurunan akibat jumlah minyak yang akan habis.



Background:Traditional petroleum mining causes environmental damage, especially to the soil. The crude oil extraction process using simple tolls results in crude oil spilling onto the soil serface, which can alter soil properties. Traditional petroleum mining can also increase the economic income of local communities because it is managed directly by the community. The aim of this research is to determine changes in the physical and chemical properties of soil contaminated with petroleum waste as well as a comparison of community income from oil mining in 2010 and 2023.

Method: The qualitative research method is used to answer the research objectives. Descriptive analysis through field surveys is used to describe the physical and chemical conditions of the soil as well as the economic conditions of local communities which will be carried out in 2023. The soil quality parameters examined in clude soil structure, soil consistency, soil texture, soil color, and soil pH, conducted at 7 different points, where sampel  point 4 represents uncontaminated soil samples from oil waste. The comparison of community income was obtained through interviews with 7 mine worker who specifically represent the desire population.

Result:The results indicate a loss of consistency on the soil surface, with soil texture dominated by sand, soil color becoming dark black, and a change in soil pH. Petroleum waste cannot change the soil structure in terms of particles, but oil waste can cover soil particles because petroleum has a lubricating effect. Income from petroleum mining has decreased and is no longer able to meet the needs of local communities

Conclusion:Petroleum waste can change the physical and chemical properties of soil and poison it, thereby damaging the soil ecosystem, in contrast, the results of oil mining are declining due to the decreasing amount of oil reserves.


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Keywords: Mining; Environment; Economy; Petroleum

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