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Sistem Informasi Bimbingan Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa menggunakan Model SDLC Berbasis Iconix Process

*Seftin Fitri Ana Wati scopus  -  Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Anindo Saka Fitri  -  Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Anik Vega Vitianingsih orcid scopus  -  Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Dr Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abdul Rezha Efrat Najaf scopus  -  Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Anastasia Lidya Maukar  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri, President University, Bekasi, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis

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The final thesis assignment plays a crucial role in enabling students to meet the graduation requirements from college. However, the process of scheduling guidance for the final assignment between students and lecturers still relies on several common applications such as WhatsApp or email, which are not specifically designed for this purpose. The accumulation of incoming messages and various types of message information poses a challenge in the guidance process, leading to missed messages between students and lecturers and a lack of recorded information regarding the history of the process and guidance materials. These are some of the current issues. This paper aims to evaluate the functionality, quality, and reliability of the system by conducting black box testing on the application developed for the student final project guidance information system. This application uses the Iconix process-based SDLC (system development life cycle) model, covering student and lecturer profile information, guidance information, proposal submission, progress of the final thesis assignment, meeting schedule, guidance material, discussion forum, survey evaluation, and contact information. The SDLC model is employed in this research because it can effectively and efficiently achieve project targets, enhance software quality standards, and assist in better risk management and adaptation to change. The model comprises planning, needs analysis, design using the Iconix process, implementation, system testing, and maintenance. The Iconix process is utilized for system design modeling and analysis. Black box testing is performed on the system to verify that the system’s functional requirements are operating correctly. The findings of this research can serve as a control for management in the service and administration of final assignment guidance in higher education.
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Keywords: Sistem Informasi; Bimbingan Tugas Akhir; SDLC; Iconix process; Black box testing

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