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Ghea Weisha  -  Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
Erfiani Erfiani  -  Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
Irzaman Irzaman  -  Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
*Utami Dyah Syafitri  -  Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
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Silica is the most mineral found on earth and is widely used in industry. Silica used in industry is usually silicon dioxide with a purity ≥ 95% and its often sold at a higher cost. To obtain the silica at a lower cost, silica extraction from biomass such as rice husk can be conducted. The purity of silica extracted from biomass tends to be lower than that of mineral silica. Silica with low purity can be increased by adjusting the temperature and the rate of temperature rise. This research aims to obtain the best design to determine the purity of silicon dioxide. The design of this study was generated based on the A-optimality criterion using the DETMAX algorithm. The A-optimality criterion is minimizing the trace of the variance-covariance of the parameter estimation. The best design points obtained using A-optimal design consist of three temperature groups: the minimum temperature of 800°C, the middle temperature of 850°C, and the maximum temperature of 900°C, with varying rates of temperature rise. Points were repeated at the temperature of 850°C, with rates of temperature rise of 1.67°C/min and 3.34°C/min. 

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Keywords: Optimal Design; A-Optimal; Silicon Dioxide

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