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Perancangan Perahu Pemungut Sampah Plastik yang Mengapung di Pesisir Danau Matano

Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Akademi Teknik Soroako, Indonesia

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Sampah plastik yang menumpuk di pesisir danau Matano merupakan akumulasi dari perilaku masyarakat selama bertahun-tahun membuang sampah di sembarang tempat yang pada akhirnya terbawa air ke Danau Matano. Diperlukan upaya bersama antara masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah guna menanggulangi penumpukan sampah tersebut. Meskipun telah dilakukan upaya pembersihan, namun penumpukan sampah masih terlihat di beberapa titik. Salah satu kendala karena sulitnya menjangkau area yang berada di air yang bercampur lumpur, serta keberadaannya di bawah rumah-rumah warga setempat.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang perahu yang dapat menjangkau area penumpukan sampah di air, serta mengangkat sampah tersebut ke atas perahu secara otomatis menggunakan metode pembanding. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa gambar rancangan menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor yang siap dilakukan proses Fabrikasi dengan ukuran utama 3740 x 2000 x 800 (L x B x D). Pengujian dilakukan melalui analisis berat yaitu sebesar 179,97 kg, dengan gaya apung sebesar 606,53 kg, sedangkan volume lambung yang akan tenggelam ketika berada pada kapasitas maksimal sebesar 79,13%. Dari hasil tersebut, perahu akan dapat berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan.



A piled of plastic waste has been seen across the shore of Lake Matano. This has become the results of local people’s bad behavior for years for not throwing their garbage to its place. Those waste has been carried by the stream and forms such a disturbing plastic pile along the shore, and had raised some environmental concerns over this behavior. Therefore, this requires serious attention particularly from the community and local government for solution. There have been some actions taken for trying to solve it, however, similar pile is still found in some hotspots. There has been some limitation to those actions, for example to reach areas under the water that has already been mixed with muds for a long time, and those which has been stack under houses of the local’s residents. This research aimed at designing a garbage boat that shall able to collecting the waste, particularly plastic in some difficult hotspots mentioned above automatically by the use of a comparison method. The result is a drawing design generated by the Autodesk Inventor software which is ready for next step, the fabrication process. The main dimension of the boat is 3740x2000x800 (L x B x D). A test was done specifically on the weight of the boat which approximately 177.97kg, with a buoyancy force of 606,53 kg, Then the volume for the hull part would sink whenever reach its ‘capacity of 79,13%. Under this current estimation, the whole part is ready for operation.

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Keywords: Perahu; Sampah; Plastik; Gaya apung

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Last update: 2025-02-05 04:17:30

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