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analisa rezim sedimentasi waduk studi kasus: waduk kedungombo dan waduk sermo

Reservoir sedimentation regime analysis: case study of Kedungombo reservoir and Sermo reservoir

*Indri Rahmandhani Fitriana  -  Department of civil engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Djoko Legono  -  Department of civil engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Heriantono Waluyadi  -  water resources engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

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The Kedungombo and the Sermo Reservoirs have problems in fulfilling basic services because of sedimentation. Sedimentation that occurs in each of the reservoirs would form a specific reservoir sedimentation pattern that is supposed to be similar because the hydrology and physiography conditions of the reservoir's catchment area are similar. This study aims to determine the dynamics of sedimentation patterns that occur in the dead storage for reviewing the characteristics/sedimentation regime of the two reservoirs. The analysis was carried out by processing bathymetrical data which were processed into a digital terrain model (DTM) using ArcGIS. Furthermore, the storage volume, sedimentation volume, storage percentage, and specific reservoir sedimentation rate are calculated. The results showed that the two reservoirs showed an increase in sedimentation volume each year so that the reservoir characteristic curve shifted from the plan graph. The dead storage capacity of Kedungombo Reservoir is 100% in 1989 to 43% in 2016 and 100% of Sermo Reservoir in 1997 to 58% in 2011. The specific reservoir sedimentation rate, i.e. 0.0031 and 0.0042 million m3/year/km2 for the Kedungombo Reservoir (between 1989 and 2016) and the Sermo Reservoir (between 1997 and 2011) respectively, indicating that the two reservoirs are in the same regime

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Keywords: Reservoir, regime, sedimentation, dead storage

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  1. Peran Serta Masyarakat Pemeliharaan Bendungan terhadap Sedimentasi di Bendungan Benel dan Palasari Kabupaten Jembrana

    Irma Suryanti, Putu Ratih Wijayanti. International Journal of Community Service Learning, 7 (4), 2024. doi: 10.23887/ijcsl.v7i4.64573

Last update: 2025-03-06 17:14:59

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