1Magister Kenotariatan, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
2Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{NTS43352, author = {Tegar Karar and Yunanto Yunanto}, title = {Kepailitan Akibat Pembatalan Pengesahan Perjanjian Perdamaian Oleh Kreditor Separatis}, journal = {Notarius}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Bankruptcy; Separatist Creditors; Peace Agreement.}, abstract = { ABSTRACT PT. Bank QNB Indonesia, Tbk.. and Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C) Singapore Branch, as separatist creditors, considered that the ratification of the peace agreement had not met the requirements and then filed an appeal. The purpose of this study is to examine the position of separatist creditors in ratifying peace agreements and to analyze the Supreme Court Decision Number 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Bankrupt/2020 according to the provisions ofthe Bankruptcy Law. The research method used is normative juridical. The results ofthe study show that the Bankruptcy Law regulates the position of separatist creditors in the ratification of peace agreements within the framework of PKPU. Supreme Court Decision Number 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Bankrupt/2020 annulled the Central Jakarta Commercial Court Decision, resulting in PT. Plaza Adika Lestari was declared bankrupt, according to the Bankruptcy Law. Keywords: Bankruptcy ; Separatist Creditors ; Peace Agreement. ABSTRAK PT. Bank QNB Indonesia, Tbk.. dan Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C) Singapore Branch , selaku kreditor separatis beranggapan bahwa pengesahan perjanjian perdamaian belum memenuhi persyaratan dan kemudian mengajukan upaya kasasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kedudukan kreditor separatis dalam pengesahan perjanjian perdamaian dan menganalisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2020 telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Kepailitan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Undang-Undang Kepailitan mengatur kedudukan kreditor separatis terhadap pengesahan perjanjian perdamaian dalam rangka PKPU. Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2020 membatalkan Putusan Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat, sehingga akibatnya PT. Plaza Adika Lestari dinyatakan pailit, sudah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Kepailitan. Kata Kunci: Kepailitan ; Kreditor Separatis ; Perjanjian Perdamaian. }, issn = {2686-2425}, pages = {1215--1231} doi = {10.14710/nts.v17i2.43352}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/notarius/article/view/43352} }
Refworks Citation Data :
PT. Bank QNB Indonesia, Tbk.. and Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C) Singapore Branch, as separatist creditors, considered that the ratification of the peace agreement had not met the requirements and then filed an appeal. The purpose of this study is to examine the position of separatist creditors in ratifying peace agreements and to analyze the Supreme Court Decision Number 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Bankrupt/2020 according to the provisions ofthe Bankruptcy Law. The research method used is normative juridical. The results ofthe study show that the Bankruptcy Law regulates the position of separatist creditors in the ratification of peace agreements within the framework of PKPU. Supreme Court Decision Number 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Bankrupt/2020 annulled the Central Jakarta Commercial Court Decision, resulting in PT. Plaza Adika Lestari was declared bankrupt, according to the Bankruptcy Law.
Keywords: Bankruptcy; Separatist Creditors; Peace Agreement.
PT. Bank QNB Indonesia, Tbk.. dan Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C) Singapore Branch, selaku kreditor separatis beranggapan bahwa pengesahan perjanjian perdamaian belum memenuhi persyaratan dan kemudian mengajukan upaya kasasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kedudukan kreditor separatis dalam pengesahan perjanjian perdamaian dan menganalisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2020 telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Kepailitan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Undang-Undang Kepailitan mengatur kedudukan kreditor separatis terhadap pengesahan perjanjian perdamaian dalam rangka PKPU. Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1434K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2020 membatalkan Putusan Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat, sehingga akibatnya PT. Plaza Adika Lestari dinyatakan pailit, sudah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Kepailitan.
Kata Kunci: Kepailitan; Kreditor Separatis; Perjanjian Perdamaian.
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Last update: 2025-03-06 06:39:32
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