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Pembatalan Sertifikat Hak Milik Atas Tanah Karena Overlapping Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Semarang

1Program Studi Magister Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

2Kantor Notaris & PPAT Dr. Edith Ratna M.S. S.H. Kota Semarang, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright (c) 2022 Notarius

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Right of Ownership is the right desired by everyone, because property rights are the highest rights and the strongest rights compared to other land rights. The purpose of this research was to find out the implementation of land ownership certificate cancellation due to overlapping in the Semarang City Land Office, to find out the legal consequences of the cancellation of land ownership certificates due to overlapping, and to find out what the injured party could do to cancel the certificate of rights belongs to the land because of overlapping. Based on the research carried out, it can be seen that the cancellation of the certificate of ownership of land was carried out due to overlapping in the issuance of certificates, namely 2 (two) fields of SHM No. 518 and 519 which were boarded by 3 (three) No. SHMs. 2361, 2362 and 2363 which were later canceled by the State Administrative Decision Number: 049 / G / 2014 / PTUN. Smg. the legal consequences of the cancellation of land title certificates, namely the land ownership certificate disputed in the case will be transferred to the party who wins the case, while those who lose the case must give up their rights.

Keywords: Soil; Cancellation of Ownership Certificate; Overlapping



Haki Miliki adalahi haki yangi diinginkani oleh isetiapi orang, ikarena haki miliki merupakani hak yangi palingi tinggii sertai haki palingi kuati dibandingkani dengani haki atasi tanahi yangiilain. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah iuntuk imengetahui ipelaksanaan ipembatalan sertifikati haki miliki atasi tanahi karenai overlappingi di iKantor iPertanahan iKota iSemarang, untuki mengetahuii akibati hukumi terhadapi adanyai pembatalani sertifikati haki miliki atasiitanah karenaiioverlapping, serta iuntuk imengetahui iyang bisai dilakukani pihaki yangi dirugikani atas pembatalani sertifikati haki miliki atasi tanahi karenai overlapping. Berdasarkan ipenelitian yang dilaksanakan dapat diketahui bahwa ipembatalan isertifikat haki miliki atasi tanahi dilakukan ikarena adanya ioverlapping dalam penerbitan sertifikat, yaitu 2 (dua) bidang SHM No. 518 dan 519 yang ditumpangi 3 (tiga) SHM No. 2361, 2362 dan 2363 yangi kemudiani dibatalkani olehi Putusani Tata Usahai NegaraiiNomor: 049/G/2014/PTUN.Smg. iakibat ihukum idari ipembatalan isertifikat ihak miliki atasi tanahi yaitui sertifikat ihak milik iatas tanahi yang idisengketakan dalam perkara akan beralihi kepadai pihaki yangiimemenangkan iperkara, sedangkan bagi pihak yang kalah dalam perkara harus melepaskan haknya.

Kata Kunci: Tanah; PembatalaniSertifikatiHakiMilik; Overlapping

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Keywords: Soil; Cancellation of Ownership Certificate; Overlapping

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