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Strategi Menjaga Konstituen: Studi Kasus Anggota DPR RI 2014-2019 Daerah Pemilihan Jawa Tengah I

Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik under

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This research is about the strategy used by the member legislature body 2014-2019 to keep the constituents’ vote in their election area after being elected as a legislative member. This research used a case study in the 1st election area of Central Java Province which includes Semarang City, Semarang District, Kendal District, and Salatiga City. By taking a member of DPR RI as the main sample and two members of DPR RI as a comparative sample or as group control. This research applies the qualitative approach supported by a quantitative approach with the survey method. This research finds the strategy which is used by the member of DPR RI to keep the constituent vote in their election area. It could be done through some strategies such as interactive dialogue, provision of assistance, installation of campaign attributes (banner/billboard/etc), utilization of party structure and base mass party, encouragement of another cadre from the party, community approach, social media and formation of the volunteer. All strategies have objectives to keep the constituent vote in an election area, and to gain the sympathy and vote from those who have not chosen them in the last legislative election. So it could be ended in re-elected the member of DPR RI in the next legislative election.

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Keywords: DPR RI; election area; keeping the constituent; legislative election; political strategy

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