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Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik under

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This research focuses on the involvement of President and Parliament in the selection of committees in General Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum/KPU). This article uses  Douglas Verney's theory on the principles of presidential government system as an analytical lens. This research found that theselection processes of KPU's committees, 2017-2022, that involved national parliamentary body has been procedurally proven to follow  Law No. 15/2011. Yet, some effort to include party's interest within is also visible. Meanwhile, President's involvement in the process is done through the formation of Selection Team appointed directly from President's close network. In both processes, there is bargaining process that requires the prospectus KPU committees to have commitment to support each party's interest (president and parties in parliamentary body). As such, it is clear there is a tendency to politicize the institution from each institution, and therefore, there is a crucial need for revising regulation on election commission. 

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Keywords: Presidensial System; General Election Commission; Selection Processes

Article Metrics:

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