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Penerapan Biopori untuk Meningkatkan Peresapan Air Hujan di Kawasan Perumahan

Application of Bio-pore to Increase Rainwater Absorption in Residential Areas

*Budi Prasetyo Samadikun scopus  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Permata Tembalang Housing is located in Kramas Sub-district Tembalang District is one of the new residential areas which is located next to Diponegoro University. Along with the better economic condition of the family and the need of space, the plots that initially still have a a large open space gradually began to decrease, because residents have started to expand the land built in the plot of their house. In the end, not even a bit of land was left open for the absorption of rainwater into the ground. The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of public awareness of the importance of open space as a means of absorbing rainwater through the application of biopores. The method of applying biopori is carried out in several stages: coordination, socialization, implementation, and monitoring-evaluation. To find out the level of awareness of residents, observations and interviews were conducted with residents who had participated in socialization and applied biopori in their lots. The results of observations and interviews showed that theresidents were quite enthusiastic in implementing this biopori, as evidenced by the excellent response from the coordination stage to the monitoring-evaluation stage. The final results show that residents can early understand on the importance of open land as rain water infiltration, so that they have consciously begun to be moved and are also encouraged to apply biopori in their respective land plots.
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Keywords: Permata Tembalang Housing; open space; rain water infiltration; biopori

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Last update: 2025-03-25 18:59:30

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