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Pengolahan Logam Pb(II) pada Limbah Cair Menggunakan Metode Kombinasi Elektrokoagulasi−Adsorpsi Karbon Aktif

Treatment of Pb(II) Metal in Wastewater Using Combination Method of Electrocoagulation − Activated Carbon Adsorption

*Adhi Setiawan scopus  -  Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Tarikh Azis Ramadani  -  Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Rizka Lutfita Hanastasia  -  Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

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Metal Pb(II) is one of the pollutants that causes water pollution and impacts ecosystem damage. Pb(II) metal waste is toxic and biomagnification, so it harms human health. The combination of electrocoagulation and adsorption processes is an efficient and effective alternative in removing Pb(II) metal in wastewater. In this study, the wastewater treatment process is carried out in batch using electrocoagulation with aluminum electrodes and followed by activated carbon adsorption. This research aimed to analyze the effect of electrical voltage in electrocoagulation, adsorption time, and adsorbent dose on reducing Pb(II) concentration. Electrocoagulation and adsorption processes were used variations of  electrical voltage (10, 20, 30 V), adsorption times (15, 30, 45 minutes), and adsorbent doses (2,5, 3,3, 4,1, 5 g/L). The research showed that the combination of electrocoagulation and adsorption could significantly reduce Pb(II) concentration in wastewater. Increased electrical voltage, adsorption time, and adsorbent dose lead to increased Pb(II). The maximum removal efficiency of Pb(II) metal was obtained under voltage of 30 V, 45 minutes adsorption time, and 5 g/L adsorbent dose. This condition resulted in removal efficiency Pb(II) of 96,01%.
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Keywords: adsorption; avocado seed waste; electrocoagulation; lead metal waste

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