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Identifikasi dan Informasi Teknologi Penanggulangan Logam Berat pada Lokasi Pengembangan Padi Organik di Kabupaten Batang

Identification and Information of Metals Control Technology at Organic Rice Development Locations in Batang Regency

*Yulis Hindarwati  -  Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Wahyu Purbalisa  -  Balai Penelitian Lingkungan Pertanian, Indonesia
Sukarjo Sukarjo  -  Balai Penelitian Lingkungan Pertanian, Indonesia

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Increasing market demand for organic rice consumption correlates with increasing organic rice development area. Identifications aim to determine residual content of metals before development conducted and alternatives implemented technology. Survey conducted on a stretch of terraced land in Central Java organic rice development area in Getas Village, Bawang District, Batang Regency. Soil samples were taken in terraced based on irrigation water flow or height place, namely: upper, upper-middle, middle, middle bottom, and lower. Soil samples were taken zigzag in 0-20 and 20-40 cm depth, where each position was taken 8 single points and composite. Soil samples were tested to determine the content of heavy metals Pb, Cd, and Cu. Based on test results, metals are found on each depth. In 0-20 cm depth the soil contains Pb, Cd and Cu respectively of 24.62; 1.70; 25.07 mg/kg, and in 20-40 cm depth containing 25.0 ; 1.72 and 25.96 mg/kg. Critical limits of Pb, Cd, and Cu metals in soils are 100-400; 3,3 and 50-140 mg/kg, respectively. Implemented technology in minimizing metals by adding organic material and biochar to soil and phytoremediation using water plants at the entrance of water.
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Keywords: metal; organic rice; remediation technology

Article Metrics:

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