BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Reaktor3583, author = {Herti Utami and Arief Budiman and Sutijan Sutijan and Roto Roto and Wahyudi Sediawan}, title = {STUDI KINETIKA REAKSI HETEROGEN α-PINENE MENJADI TERPINEOL DENGAN KATALISATOR ASAM KHLORO ASETAT}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, year = {2011}, keywords = {α-pinene; asam khloro asetat; kinetika reaksi heterogen; terpineol}, abstract = { KINETIC STUDY OF HETEROGENEOUS HYDRATION OF α-PINENE TO TERPINEOL USING CHLORO ACETIC ACID AS A CATALYST. Indonesian turpentine contains 65-85% α-pinene, 1% camphene, 1-3% β-pinene, 10-18% 3 -carene and limonene 1-3%. In order to obtain more valuable products, α-pinene can be hydrated in dilute acid solutions to produce terpineol, which can be used as perfume, insect repellent, antifungal, disinfectant etc. The aim of this research was to study kinetics of terpineol synthesis from α-pinene, the main component of turpentine Turpentine was introduced into a batch reactor (tree neck flask) equipped with condenser, thermometer, stirrer and was warmed up to the desired temperature with the reaction time of 420 minutes. The study investigated the effects of temperature, catalyst amount, and the stirring rate on the hydration of α-pinene. The heterogeneous kinetics model was proposed to quantitavely describe the hydration process of α-pinene . The results of this study showed the relationship of the constants of the reaction rate and temperatures. The equations can be written as follow and . The relative errors were 2.80% and 2.19%, respectively. It was found that the chemical reaction step controlled the hydration process. The results of this study show that the proposed heterogeneous kinetics model can quantitatively describe the hydration of α-pinene using chloro acetic acid as catalyst very well. Abstrak T erpentin Indonesia mengandung 65-85% α-pinene, 1% camphene, 1-3% β-pinene, 10-18% 3 -carene dan limonene 1-3%. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jual, α-pinene dapat dihidrasi dalam medium asam menjadi terpineol yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan parfum, penangkal serangga, anti jamur, desinkfektan dll. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari studi kinetika reaksi sintesa terpineol dari α-pinene yang merupakan komponen utama terpentin. Terpentin sebanyak volume tertentu dipanaskan dalam reaktor batch labu leher tiga yang dilengkapi dengan pendingin balik, thermometer dan pengaduk sehingga mencapai suhu tertentu dengan waktu reaksi selama 420 menit. Variabel yang dipelajari adalah suhu, jumlah mol katalis dan kecepatan pengadukan. Model kinetika heterogen diajukan untuk menggambarkan proses hidrasi α-pinene tersebut. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh hubungan antara konstanta kecepatan reaksi dengan suhu dapat dinyatakan dengan persamaan berikut dan . Jika dipakai untuk menghitung k 1 dan k 2 persamaan tersebut memberikan ralat rata-rata sebesar 2,80% dan 2,19%. Reaksi kimia lebih berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan proses hidrasi secara keseluruhan. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa model kinetika reaksi heterogen yang diajukan dapat menggambarkan secara kuantitatif reaksi hidrasi α -pinene dengan katalisator asam khloro asetat. }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {248--253} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.13.4.248-253}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
KINETIC STUDY OF HETEROGENEOUS HYDRATION OF α-PINENE TO TERPINEOL USING CHLORO ACETIC ACID AS A CATALYST. Indonesian turpentine contains 65-85% α-pinene, 1% camphene, 1-3% β-pinene, 10-18% 3-carene and limonene 1-3%. In order to obtain more valuable products, α-pinene can be hydrated in dilute acid solutions to produce terpineol, which can be used as perfume, insect repellent, antifungal, disinfectant etc. The aim of this research was to study kinetics of terpineol synthesis from α-pinene, the main component of turpentine Turpentine was introduced into a batch reactor (tree neck flask) equipped with condenser, thermometer, stirrer and was warmed up to the desired temperature with the reaction time of 420 minutes. The study investigated the effects of temperature, catalyst amount, and the stirring rate on the hydration of α-pinene. The heterogeneous kinetics model was proposed to quantitavely describe the hydration process of α-pinene. The results of this study showed the relationship of the constants of the reaction rate and temperatures. The equations can be written as follow and . The relative errors were 2.80% and 2.19%, respectively. It was found that the chemical reaction step controlled the hydration process. The results of this study show that the proposed heterogeneous kinetics model can quantitatively describe the hydration of α-pinene using chloro acetic acid as catalyst very well.
Terpentin Indonesia mengandung 65-85% α-pinene, 1% camphene, 1-3% β-pinene, 10-18% 3-carene dan limonene 1-3%. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jual, α-pinene dapat dihidrasi dalam medium asam menjadi terpineol yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan parfum, penangkal serangga, anti jamur, desinkfektan dll. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari studi kinetika reaksi sintesa terpineol dari α-pinene yang merupakan komponen utama terpentin. Terpentin sebanyak volume tertentu dipanaskan dalam reaktor batch labu leher tiga yang dilengkapi dengan pendingin balik, thermometer dan pengaduk sehingga mencapai suhu tertentu dengan waktu reaksi selama 420 menit. Variabel yang dipelajari adalah suhu, jumlah mol katalis dan kecepatan pengadukan. Model kinetika heterogen diajukan untuk menggambarkan proses hidrasi α-pinene tersebut. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh hubungan antara konstanta kecepatan reaksi dengan suhu dapat dinyatakan dengan persamaan berikut dan . Jika dipakai untuk menghitung k1 dan k2 persamaan tersebut memberikan ralat rata-rata sebesar 2,80% dan 2,19%. Reaksi kimia lebih berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan proses hidrasi secara keseluruhan. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa model kinetika reaksi heterogen yang diajukan dapat menggambarkan secara kuantitatif reaksi hidrasi α-pinene dengan katalisator asam khloro asetat.
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University