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*Bambang Sulardiono  -  Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik, Indonesia
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo  -  Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik, Indonesia
Haeruddin Haeruddin  -  Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik, Indonesia

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Ekosistem terumbu karang Karimunjawa menyediakan habitat yang baik bagi kehidupan dan perkembangbiakan teripang. Di sisi lain,  peningkatan beban limbah organik baik bersumber dari daratan maupun dari lingkungan perairan itu sendiri diduga menyebabkan daya dukung untuk kehidupan teripang menurun. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, bagaimana kondisi lingkungan perairan ditinjau dari kesesuaian lingkungan perairan habitat teripang. Pengukuran data kualitas air diambil pada 5 stasiun pengamatan. Data arus berdasarkan  data pasang surut terendah, yang diperoleh dari pengukuran data pasang surut  stasiun LPWP Jepara periode 2010-2011, pengukuran data variabel kedalaman perairan (m), suhu (°C), salinitas (‰), dan pH secara in situ, serta  pengukuran kandungan oksigen terlarut (mg/l)  secara laboratoris. Analisis data tingkat kesesuaian lingkungan  teripang didasarkan atas beberapa kriteria penting yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu kondisi lingkungan yang sesuai dengan standar kriteria kesesuaian, meliputi kisaran dibawah baku mutu dengan skor (1), kisaran toleransi dengan skor (2), dan kisaran optimal dengan skor 3. Selanjutnya dilakukan pembobotan setiap variabel dalam 3 kelas bobot yang diukur berdasarkan tingkat pengaruh masing-masing variable. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan total  skor (Y) dari 6 variabel kualitas  perairan.diperoleh jumlah skor tertinggi  54 dan terendah 6, sedangkan berdasarkan nilai interval kelas kesesusian  (I) sebesar 16.  Hasil analisis skor per  kelas adalah (a) 39–54 = Sesuai (S1),  (b)  23–38 = Cukup Sesuai (S2), dan (c) 6–22 = Tidak Sesuai (N). Hasil analisis diperoleh informasi bahwa kondisi lingkungan perairan cukup sesuai bagi kehidupan teripang.



The Karimunjawa waters reef ecosystem provides a good habitat for the life and breeding of sea cucumbers. On the other hand, the increased burden of organic waste both from the mainland and from the water environment itself is thought to cause the carrying capacity for the life of sea cucumbers declined. Based on this, then how the condition of the aquatic environment in terms of the suitability of the marine environment habitat sea cucumbers.  Measurement of water quality data was taken at 5 observation stations. Current data based on the lowest tidal data, obtained from the measurement of the tidal data of LPWP station Jepara period 2010-2011. Measurement of water depth variable (m), temperature (°C), salinity (‰), and pH in situ, and dissolved oxygen content (mg/l) in laboratory. The data analysis of the suitability level of sea cucumber is based on several important criteria that must be fulfilled, that is environmental condition in accordance with standard of conformity criterion, covering range below standard quality with score (1), tolerance range with score (2), and optimal range with score 3, Then weighted each variable in 3 weight classes measured by the influence level of each variable, Based on the result of total score calculation (Y) from 6 water quality variables. Based on the result of total score (Y) of 6 water quality variables. Obtained by the highest score 54 and lowest 6, whereas based on the value of interval of suitability class (I) of 16. The result of the score analysis per class is (a) 39–54 = Suitable (S1), (b) 23–38 = quite suitable  (S2), and (c) 6–22 = Not Match (N). The result of the analysis obtained information that the condition of the aquatic environment is quite suitable for the life of sea cucumber.

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Keywords: Kesesuaian; habitat; teripang

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