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APLIKASI GPS DALAM PENENTUAN POSISI PULAU DI TENGAH LAUT BERDASARKAN METODE TOPONIMI (STUDI KASUS PULAU MOROTAI Gps Application for Determining the Island Position on the Sea Based on the Toponymy Method (Case Study for Morotai Island and Its Surrounding)

*Yulius Yulius  -  Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Laut dan Pesisir Balitbang KP-KKP, Indonesia
H.L Salim  -  Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Laut dan Pesisir Balitbang KP-KKP, Indonesia

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Pengelolaan sumberdaya kelautan telah menjadi perhatian dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dilain pihak teknologi mengenai pendataan unsur-unsur laut menjadi sangat penting artinya dalam pengelolaan sumber daya wilayah. Guna mendukung pengelolaan wilayah laut dan unsur-unsur geografi laut (pulau) di wilayah kedaulatan Indonesia, diperlukan teknologi GPS yang digunakan untuk menentukan posisi pulau di tengah laut berdasarkan metode toponimi. Survei yang dilakukan berhasil mengindentifikasi posisi ketiga puluh pulau tersebut berikut dengan koordinat lintang dan bujur berdasarkan penentuan GPS.

Kata kunci : Global Positioning System (GPS), pulau, toponimi


A marine resources management nowadays has became attention in relation with a sustainable development concept. On the other hand, technology about marine elements is very important for marine resources management and for marine use management. In order to support maritime territory management and its geographical elements (Island) in Indonesian territory, it is required to use GPS technology to determine the position of the island on the sea based on island toponymy method. The Survey from Morotai Island and its surrounding has identified the position of thirty islands following the latitude and longitude coordinates based on the determination of GPS.

Key words : Global Positioning System (GPS), island, toponymy
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Section: Research Articles
Language : EN

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Last update: 2025-03-11 09:59:43

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