BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IJFST8118, author = {Puji Widyastuti and Putut Riyadi and Ratna Ibrahim}, title = {MUTU KECAP IKAN YANG TERBUAT DARI ISI PERUT IKAN MANYUNG (Arius thalassinus) DENGAN KONSENTRASI GARAM YANG BERBEDA (Quality Of Fish Sauce That Made From Viscera Of Marine Catfish (Arius thalassinus) With Different Salt Concentrations)}, journal = {Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, year = {2014}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Kecap ikan merupakan produk fermentasi ikan yang dibuat dari ikan maupun limbah ikan dan garam. Pengolahan kecap ikan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan rasa produknya sangat asin. Rasa sangat asin pada kecap ikan dapat dikurangi dengan mengurangi konsentrasi garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi garam (NaCl) terhadap sifat fisikawi, kimiawi, dan nilai hedonik serta mengetahui konsentrasi garam terbaik pada proses pengolahan kecap ikan dari isi rongga perut ikan Manyung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan perbedaan konsentrasi garam menyebabkan kadar garam, pH, rendemen, warna dan nilai hedonik produk berbeda nyata (P<0.05) diantara perlakuan. Semakin tinggi penambahan konsentrasi garam makin tinggi kadar garam rendemen, nilai hedonik, tetapi makin rendah nilai pH. Penambahan konsentrasi garam terbaik pada pengolahan kecap ikan dari isi rongga perut ikan Manyung yaitu 25% dengan kriteria kadar garam produk (28.14%), pH (5.36), rendemen (48.54%), warna kuning kecoklatan dan disukai panelis dengan nilai hedonic (6.80 ≤µ≤ 6.88). Kadar garam dan nilai pH produk memenuhi persyaratan kecap ikan berdasarkan SNI dan Thai Standard Industrial Institute. Kata kunci : Kecap Ikan, Isi Rongga Perut Ikan Manyung, Konsentrasi Garam, Mutu Fish sauce is a fish fermentation product made from fish or fish waste and salt. Processing of fish sauce generally takes a long time and the product is very salty. The salty taste of fish sauce can be reduced by reducing the concentration of salt used. The study was aimed to determine the effect of different salt concentrations (NaCl) to the physical and chemical characteristics, hedonic value of the product and to determine the best salt concentration in processing of fish sauce made from marine Catfish’s viscera. The results showed that different salt concentrations caused salt content, pH, yield, colour and hedonic value of the products using significant different in (P<0.05). The higher the adding of salt concentration, the higher the salt content, yield, hedonic value, but the pH value was lower. The best salt concentration used in fish sauce processing made of marine Catfish viscera was 25%. The product had salt conctent (28.14%), pH (5.36), yield (48.54%), browny-yellow in colour and the hedonic value was (6.80≤µ≤6.88). The salt concentration and pH value of the product comply with the SNI and Thai Standard Industrial Institute for fish sauce. Key words : Fish Sauce, Viscera of Marine Catfish, Salt Concentration, Quality }, issn = {2549-0885}, pages = {18--23} doi = {10.14710/ijfst.9.2.18-23}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Kecap ikan merupakan produk fermentasi ikan yang dibuat dari ikan maupun limbah ikan dan garam. Pengolahan kecap ikan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan rasa produknya sangat asin. Rasa sangat asin pada kecap ikan dapat dikurangi dengan mengurangi konsentrasi garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi garam (NaCl) terhadap sifat fisikawi, kimiawi, dan nilai hedonik serta mengetahui konsentrasi garam terbaik pada proses pengolahan kecap ikan dari isi rongga perut ikan Manyung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan perbedaan konsentrasi garam menyebabkan kadar garam, pH, rendemen, warna dan nilai hedonik produk berbeda nyata (P<0.05) diantara perlakuan. Semakin tinggi penambahan konsentrasi garam makin tinggi kadar garam rendemen, nilai hedonik, tetapi makin rendah nilai pH. Penambahan konsentrasi garam terbaik pada pengolahan kecap ikan dari isi rongga perut ikan Manyung yaitu 25% dengan kriteria kadar garam produk (28.14%), pH (5.36), rendemen (48.54%), warna kuning kecoklatan dan disukai panelis dengan nilai hedonic (6.80 ≤µ≤ 6.88). Kadar garam dan nilai pH produk memenuhi persyaratan kecap ikan berdasarkan SNI dan Thai Standard Industrial Institute.
Kata kunci : Kecap Ikan, Isi Rongga Perut Ikan Manyung, Konsentrasi Garam, Mutu
Fish sauce is a fish fermentation product made from fish or fish waste and salt. Processing of fish sauce generally takes a long time and the product is very salty. The salty taste of fish sauce can be reduced by reducing the concentration of salt used. The study was aimed to determine the effect of different salt concentrations (NaCl) to the physical and chemical characteristics, hedonic value of the product and to determine the best salt concentration in processing of fish sauce made from marine Catfish’s viscera. The results showed that different salt concentrations caused salt content, pH, yield, colour and hedonic value of the products using significant different in (P<0.05). The higher the adding of salt concentration, the higher the salt content, yield, hedonic value, but the pH value was lower. The best salt concentration used in fish sauce processing made of marine Catfish viscera was 25%. The product had salt conctent (28.14%), pH (5.36), yield (48.54%), browny-yellow in colour and the hedonic value was (6.80≤µ≤6.88). The salt concentration and pH value of the product comply with the SNI and Thai Standard Industrial Institute for fish sauce.
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