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Experimental study of the use of waste rubber tire additives using the sequential mixing method on the performance of Hot-Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course mixtures

Studi Eksperimental Penggunaan Bahan Tambah Limbah Ban Karet dengan Metode Pencampuran Bertahap terhadap Kinerja Campuran Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course

*Iqbal Iqbal  -  Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Miftahul Fauziah  -  Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2023 TEKNIK

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Pavement conditions in Indonesia often do not reach their design life during the service period. This may cause damage. There is a need for a pavement mixture that has good bearing capacity and durability, is not sensitive to weather, and is safe for the environment. This study aims to analyze the performance of the Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course (HRS-WC) mixture with the addition of rubber tire waste and the influence of the mixing method. This study carried out several measurement stages in the laboratory. These include testing the physical properties of aggregates, determining the optimum bitument content value, and carrying out tests to measure several characteristics, namely Marshall, Index Retained Strength (IRS), Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS), Tensile Strength Ratio Test (TSR), Cantabro Loss (CL), and Asphalt Flow Down (AFD) with added levels of 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6% rubber tire powder. The research results showed that the HRS-WC mixture with the addition of rubber tire powder was able to improve the Marshall characteristics in terms of their volumetric properties. Meanwhile, in terms of mechanical properties, the addition of 2% rubber tire powder can improve stability and performance. ITS characteristics, with the addition of 2% and 4% rubber tire powder, were able to improve the performance of the mixture, whereas the TSR characteristics were only added at 2%. The characteristics of IRS, CL, and AFD with the addition of rubber tire powder can improve the performance of the mixture. The use of a gradual mixing method produces better performance compared to conventional mixing methods.

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Keywords: HRS-WC; Marshall; rubber tire; sequential mixing
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