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*Brata Yoga Lumbanraja  -  Dedi Irawan, SH, M.Kn Notaris Kota Tebing Tinggi , Indonesia

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Technological developments influence the State Administrative Court system. Forming the E-Court from a progressive legal perspective is an effort by the law itself to adapt to the times. The aim of writing this article is to provide innovative electronic systems for administrative courts in Indonesia. The concept of E-Floating Execution (Electronic Floating Execution) will be developed with the help of progressive legal theory thinking.  doctrinal research method with a conceptual and comparative approach. This concept refers to using digital technology to automate and speed up the process of executing court decisions. The French state has the application "Télérecours" serving as an important tool to facilitate electronic communication at every stage of procedures before administrative courts. The Concept of E-Floating Execution (Electronic Floating Execution) Innovation in Electronic Execution of State Administrative Courts in Progressive Legal Development has the potential to Increase Accessibility, Speed Up Legal Processes, and Transparency and Accountability.


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Last update: 2024-12-31 17:10:25

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