Bidang Sumberdaya Laut, Puslit Oseenogreti - LlPI, Jakarta, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS19350, author = {P. Darsono and A. Aziz}, title = {Komunitas Ekhinodermata dari Beberapa Pulau di Daerah Sulawesi Utara}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, year = {2009}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Survei sumberdaya ekhinoderm di daereh Sulawesi Utara dilakukan di lokasi Kwandang, Pulau-pulau Tiga, dan Sangir-Talaud. Pengamatan fauna ekhinoderm secara kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metoda transek kuarat di daerah rataan terumbu. Temuan koleksi ekhinoderm dari lokasi survei, dilengkapi dengan koleksi bebas, baik di daerah rataan maupun di tubir (Iereng) terumbu. Sebanyak 64 jenis ekhinoderm ditemukan di Iokasi survey, termasuk 38 jenls diantaranya dikumpulkan dari Iokasi transek: Koleksi meliputi 18 jenis Asteroidea dari 8 suku, 7 jenis Echinoidea dari 4 suku, 14 jenis Ophiuroidea dari 4 suku dan 20 jenis Holothuroidea dari 3 suku. Kelas Crinoidea tercatat ada 4 jenis hasil dari koleksi. Diversitas faunistik dari Iokasi survei berturut-turut menurun darl Pulau Pasige (2.809), Pulau Payunga (2.808), Puleu Otangala (2.777), Pulau Labuka (2.401), Puleu Tagulandang (2.377), Tanjung Tangkup (2. 114), dan Pulau Paniki (1.972). Jenisjenis ekhinoderm di lokasi survei yang domlnan yaitu bintang laut, Protoreaster nodosus dan Archaster typicus, bintang mengular (ophiuroid), Ophiocoma scolopendrina dan 0. brevipes, teripang (holothuroid) Holothuria pervicax, dan bulu babi (echinoid) Diadema setosum. Analisa kluster memperlihatkan bahwa lokasi Pulau Pulau Tiga berbeda dengan kedua lokasi lainnya. Kata kunci: Komunitas ekhinodermata , Sulawesi Utara Survey on echinoderm resources of the North Sulawesi was carried on the locations of Kwandang. Tiga Island, and Islands of Sangir- Talaud. Quantitative observation of echinoderm fauna was made applying square transect method especially on reef flat area. Collection on existing echinoderm at the observed area was made at both reef flat and slope. Sixty-four species of echinoderm were recorded from the surveyed locations including 38 species that were collected from the transect area. The echinoderm collection consists of 18 species asteroid of 8 families, 7 species echinoid of 4 families, 14 species ophiuroid of 4 families, and 20 species holothuroid of 3 families. Four species of collected crinoid was identified. Faunistic diversity of the observed locations are sequentially decreasing from Pasige island (2.809), Payunga (2.808), Otangala (2.777), Labuka (2.401) , Tagulandang (2.377), Tanjung Tangkup (2.114), and Paniki (1 . 972) . The dominant species of echinoderms of the surveyed locations are the starfish. Protoreaster nodosus and Archaster, typicus, ophiuroid of Ophiocoma scolopendrlna and O. brevipes, holothuroid of Holothuria pervicax, and echinoid of Diedema setosum. Cluster analysis shows that the location of Tiga Island is different from the other two locations. Keywords : echinoderms community, North Sulawesi }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {77--88} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.7.2.77-88}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Survei sumberdaya ekhinoderm di daereh Sulawesi Utara dilakukan di lokasi Kwandang, Pulau-pulau Tiga, dan Sangir-Talaud. Pengamatan fauna ekhinoderm secara kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metoda transek kuarat di daerah rataan terumbu. Temuan koleksi ekhinoderm dari lokasi survei, dilengkapi dengan koleksi bebas, baik di daerah rataan maupun di tubir (Iereng) terumbu. Sebanyak 64 jenis ekhinoderm ditemukan di Iokasi survey, termasuk 38 jenls diantaranya dikumpulkan dari Iokasi transek: Koleksi meliputi 18 jenis Asteroidea dari 8 suku, 7 jenis Echinoidea dari 4 suku, 14 jenis Ophiuroidea dari 4 suku dan 20 jenis Holothuroidea dari 3 suku. Kelas Crinoidea tercatat ada 4 jenis hasil dari koleksi. Diversitas faunistik dari Iokasi survei berturut-turut menurun darl Pulau Pasige (2.809), Pulau Payunga (2.808), Puleu Otangala (2.777), Pulau Labuka (2.401), Puleu Tagulandang (2.377), Tanjung Tangkup (2.114), dan Pulau Paniki (1.972). Jenisjenis ekhinoderm di lokasi survei yang domlnan yaitu bintang laut, Protoreaster nodosus dan Archaster typicus, bintang mengular (ophiuroid), Ophiocoma scolopendrina dan 0. brevipes, teripang (holothuroid) Holothuria pervicax, dan bulu babi (echinoid) Diadema setosum. Analisa kluster memperlihatkan bahwa lokasi Pulau Pulau Tiga berbeda dengan kedua lokasi lainnya.
Kata kunci: Komunitas ekhinodermata, Sulawesi Utara
Survey on echinoderm resources of the North Sulawesi was carried on the locations of Kwandang. Tiga Island, and Islands of Sangir- Talaud. Quantitative observation of echinoderm fauna was made applying square transect method especially on reef flat area. Collection on existing echinoderm at the observed area was made at both reef flat and slope. Sixty-four species of echinoderm were recorded from the surveyed locations including 38 species that were collected from the transect area. The echinoderm collection consists of 18 species asteroid of 8 families, 7 species echinoid of 4 families, 14 species ophiuroid of 4 families, and 20 species holothuroid of 3 families. Four species of collected crinoid was identified. Faunistic diversity of the observed locations are sequentially decreasing from Pasige island (2.809), Payunga (2.808), Otangala (2.777), Labuka (2.401), Tagulandang (2.377), Tanjung Tangkup (2.114), and Paniki (1.972). The dominant species of echinoderms of the surveyed locations are the starfish. Protoreaster nodosus and Archaster, typicus, ophiuroid of Ophiocoma scolopendrlna and O. brevipes, holothuroid of Holothuria pervicax, and echinoid of Diedema setosum. Cluster analysis shows that the location of Tiga Island is different from the other two locations.
Keywords: echinoderms community, North Sulawesi
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