1Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan Koordinatorat Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, , Indonesia
2Indonesia 23111, Indonesia
3Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh , Indonesia
4 Jl. T. Nyak Arief Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 23111, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS7089, author = {Irma Dewiyanti and Yunita Yunita}, title = {Identifikasi dan Kelimpahan Hama Penyebab Ketidakberhasilan Rehabilitasi Ekosistem Mangrove (Identification and Abundance of Pest Causing Unsuccessful Mangrove Rehabilitation)}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, year = {2013}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Peristiwa tsunami pada tahun 2004 mengakibatkan hampir seluruh kawasan mangrove di sepanjang pro v insi Aceh rusak. Penghijauan kembali hutan mangrove yang rusak memerlukan upaya rehabilitasi. Salah satu penyebab ketidakberhasilan rehabilitasi adalah adanya jenis hama yang merusak tanaman mangrove tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis hama dan kelimpahannya, serta membandingkan kelimpahan hama antara petak contoh yang berbeda ketinggian pasang-surutnya. Pengambilan data semai dan hama menggunakan transek kuadrat 1m x 1m. Terdapat 4 jenis hama yang ditemukan adalah Balanus amphitrite, Sesarma sp., Pteroma plagiophleps, dan Clibanarius sp. Jenis B. a mphitrite memiliki kelimpahan tetinggi, dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelimpahan B. a mphitrite dalam petak contoh dekat laut dengan dekat darat. Kestabilan komunitas rendah, ditunjukkan oleh rendahnya keanekaragaman, serta tingginya dominansi jenis. T inggi dan rendahnya kelimpahan hama tidak dipengaruhi oleh kondisi substrat dan fisika-kimia perairan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa salah satu penyebab ketidakberhasilan rehabilitasi mangrove di Aceh adalah hama yang didominasi oleh B. a mphitrite . Kata kunci: i dentifikasi, hama, semai, rehabilitasi mangrove, Aceh Due to tsunami event in 2004, wide Aceh areas mangrove forest has been destroyed. Damaging mangrove vegetation will be a problem, especially decreasing the production of organic matter and abration. Rehabilitation is the solution to reforest mangrove area. This program was unsuccessful in some areas because of pest. T he purposes of this study were to identify species of pests and their abudance, and to compare the abudance of pest under different inundation regime. Sampling of seedling and pests were studied by using transect quadrate 1m x 1m. In study area was found four kinds of pest, they were Balanus amphitrite, Sesarma sp., Pteroma plagiophleps, and Clibanarius sp. B. amphitrite had the highest abudance, and there was a significantly different the abudance of B. a mphitrite between site next to sea and site next to the land. The stability of community was low; it showed by low diversity index, and high dominance. There was a statically correlation between salinity and abudance of pest, so the higher the salinity the higher the pest abudance. The results of this study indicate that one of the causes of the failure of mangrove rehabilitation in Aceh is a pest that is dominated by B. amphitrite. Ke y words: i dentification, pest, seedling, mangrove rehabilitation , Aceh }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {150--156} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.18.3.150-156}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/7089} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Peristiwa tsunami pada tahun 2004 mengakibatkan hampir seluruh kawasan mangrove di sepanjang provinsi Aceh rusak. Penghijauan kembali hutan mangrove yang rusak memerlukan upaya rehabilitasi. Salah satu penyebab ketidakberhasilan rehabilitasi adalah adanya jenis hama yang merusak tanaman mangrove tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis hama dan kelimpahannya, serta membandingkan kelimpahan hama antara petak contoh yang berbeda ketinggian pasang-surutnya. Pengambilan data semai dan hama menggunakan transek kuadrat 1m x 1m. Terdapat 4 jenis hama yang ditemukan adalah Balanus amphitrite, Sesarma sp., Pteroma plagiophleps, dan Clibanarius sp. Jenis B. amphitrite memiliki kelimpahan tetinggi, dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelimpahan B. amphitrite dalam petak contoh dekat laut dengan dekat darat. Kestabilan komunitas rendah, ditunjukkan oleh rendahnya keanekaragaman, serta tingginya dominansi jenis. Tinggi dan rendahnya kelimpahan hama tidak dipengaruhi oleh kondisi substrat dan fisika-kimia perairan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa salah satu penyebab ketidakberhasilan rehabilitasi mangrove di Aceh adalah hama yang didominasi oleh B. amphitrite.
Kata kunci: identifikasi, hama, semai, rehabilitasi mangrove, Aceh
Due to tsunami event in 2004, wide Aceh areas mangrove forest has been destroyed. Damaging mangrove vegetation will be a problem, especially decreasing the production of organic matter and abration. Rehabilitation is the solution to reforest mangrove area. This program was unsuccessful in some areas because of pest. The purposes of this study were to identify species of pests and their abudance, and to compare the abudance of pest under different inundation regime. Sampling of seedling and pests were studied by using transect quadrate 1m x 1m. In study area was found four kinds of pest, they were Balanus amphitrite, Sesarma sp., Pteroma plagiophleps, and Clibanarius sp. B. amphitrite had the highest abudance, and there was a significantly different the abudance of B. amphitrite between site next to sea and site next to the land. The stability of community was low; it showed by low diversity index, and high dominance. There was a statically correlation between salinity and abudance of pest, so the higher the salinity the higher the pest abudance. The results of this study indicate that one of the causes of the failure of mangrove rehabilitation in Aceh is a pest that is dominated by B. amphitrite.
Keywords: identification, pest, seedling, mangrove rehabilitation, Aceh
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