1Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau, Jepara, Indonesia
2Pusat Riset Pengolahan Produk dan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan,, Indonesia
3Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta, Indonesia
4 Laboratorium Biologi Laut, Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Indonesia
5 Universitas Diponegoro, Jalan Prof. Soedarto, UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS2340, author = {Antik Erlina and Sri Amini and Hadi Endrawati and Muhamad Zainuri}, title = {Kajian Nutritif Phytoplankton Pakan Alami pada Sistem Kultivasi Massal}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Potensi fitoplankton sebagai pakan alami bagi biota laut di derajat tropic diatasnya telah diketahui. Selanjutnya upaya kultivasi secara massal dilakukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan hatchery. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai nutrisi pakan alami Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp. dan Chaetoceros calcitran s dari hasil produksi kultivasi massal. Laboratorioum Alga Pakan Alami, Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau Jepara. Isolate 5 ml dari setiap jenis fitoplankton digunakan sebagai sumber pada kultivasi dengan media gallon 20 liter selama 15 hari atau sampai dengan tercapainya puncak populasi. Transfer ke media 1 ton dilakukan setelah puncak populasi tersebut. Kedua jenis media memanfaatkan pupuk dari formula Conwy. Densitas fitoplankton diamati setiap hari dengan menggunakan haemocytometer. Setelah tercapai puncak populasi, maka fitoplankton akan dipanen dengan menyaringnya dengan 2 μm. Hasil panen digunakan untuk analisis nutrisi. Kandungan nutrisi fitoplankton menunjukkan kisaran nilai protein : 21.85 – 37 % ; lemak : 2.41 – 10 % dan karbohidrat : 17 – 21 %. Sedangkan asam lemak menunjukkan kisaran nilai yang cukup tinggi, khususnya pada omega 3 : 0.911 – 3.738 % ; omega 6 : 15.591 – 38.002 % dan omega 9 : 0.292–15.112 %. Nilai nutrisi tersebut tidak berbeda dengan kultivasi laboratoris. Kata kunci : Kandungan Nutritif, Alga, Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp,. Chaetoceros calcitrans , Kultivasi Massal. The potential mean of the phytoplankton as natural feed for higher tropic level biota in the sea is already known. While the study to mass cultivation as the requirement for natural feed of marine biota larvae was already develop in the hatchery, and need to explore into mass cultivation for an alternative purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the nutrition contents of four type phytoplankton, Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp. and Chaetoceros calcitrans based on mass cultivation. The research was conducted in the Laboratory of Natural Food, Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Research Center, Jepara. The 5 ml isolate of each phytoplankton were cultivate in the 20 litter gallon for 15 days or until the reach of the density. After the peak density of every phytoplankton, it will transfer into 1 ton media. Each treatment was three replicate. Each approach using the enrichment media based on Conwy formula. The density was daily monitor using haemocytometer. After the reach of peak population density, the algae was filtered using 2 μm screen. The algae then store in the refrigerator for nutritive determination. The average nutritive content in the algae show a range value of protein : 21.85 – 37 % ; lipid : 2.41 – 10 % and carbohydrate : 17 – 21 %. While the lipid acid show a high range value, especially for omega 3 : 0.911 – 3.738 % ; omega 6 : 15.591 – 38.002 % aand omega 9 : 0.292 – 15.112 %. The nutritive value is not different than the one of laboratory cultivation. Key words : Nutritive Contents, Algae, Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp,. Chaetoceros calcitrans , mass cultivation. }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {206--210} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.9.4.206-210}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/2340} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Potensi fitoplankton sebagai pakan alami bagi biota laut di derajat tropic diatasnya telah diketahui. Selanjutnya upaya kultivasi secara massal dilakukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan hatchery. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai nutrisi pakan alami Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp. dan Chaetoceros calcitrans dari hasil produksi kultivasi massal. Laboratorioum Alga Pakan Alami, Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau Jepara. Isolate 5 ml dari setiap jenis fitoplankton digunakan sebagai sumber pada kultivasi dengan media gallon 20 liter selama 15 hari atau sampai dengan tercapainya puncak populasi. Transfer ke media 1 ton dilakukan setelah puncak populasi tersebut. Kedua jenis media memanfaatkan pupuk dari formula Conwy. Densitas fitoplankton diamati setiap hari dengan menggunakan haemocytometer. Setelah tercapai puncak populasi, maka fitoplankton akan dipanen dengan menyaringnya dengan 2 μm. Hasil panendigunakan untuk analisis nutrisi. Kandungan nutrisi fitoplankton menunjukkan kisaran nilai protein : 21.85 – 37 % ; lemak : 2.41 – 10 % dan karbohidrat : 17 – 21 %. Sedangkan asam lemak menunjukkan kisaran nilai yang cukup tinggi, khususnya pada omega 3 : 0.911 – 3.738 % ; omega 6 : 15.591 – 38.002 % dan omega 9 : 0.292–15.112 %. Nilai nutrisi tersebut tidak berbeda dengan kultivasi laboratoris.
Kata kunci : Kandungan Nutritif, Alga, Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp,. Chaetoceros calcitrans, Kultivasi Massal.
The potential mean of the phytoplankton as natural feed for higher tropic level biota in the sea is already known. While the study to mass cultivation as the requirement for natural feed of marine biota larvae wasalready develop in the hatchery, and need to explore into mass cultivation for an alternative purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the nutrition contents of four type phytoplankton, Skeletonema costatum,Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp. and Chaetoceros calcitrans based on mass cultivation. The research was conducted in the Laboratory of Natural Food, Brackishwater Aquaculture Development and Research Center,Jepara. The 5 ml isolate of each phytoplankton were cultivate in the 20 litter gallon for 15 days or until the reach of the density. After the peak density of every phytoplankton, it will transfer into 1 ton media. Eachtreatment was three replicate. Each approach using the enrichment media based on Conwy formula. The density was daily monitor using haemocytometer. After the reach of peak population density, the algae was filtered using 2 μm screen. The algae then store in the refrigerator for nutritive determination. The average nutritive content in the algae show a range value of protein : 21.85 – 37 % ; lipid : 2.41 – 10 % andcarbohydrate : 17 – 21 %. While the lipid acid show a high range value, especially for omega 3 : 0.911 – 3.738 % ; omega 6 : 15.591 – 38.002 % aand omega 9 : 0.292 – 15.112 %. The nutritive value is notdifferent than the one of laboratory cultivation.
Key words : Nutritive Contents, Algae, Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiosiera sp, Chlorella sp,. Chaetoceros calcitrans, mass cultivation.
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The effect of commercial nutrients to increase the population of Skeletonema costatum on laboratory and mass scales
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