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Enhancing Students Motivation in Japanese Conversation (Online Course): through CM

Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

Received: 29 Apr 2020; Available online: 3 Jun 2020; Published: 31 May 2020.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 IZUMI under

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This paper focuses on the study and teaching strategy of Japanese conversation. The goal of the paper is to analyze the motivation of the students learning experience through CM as a media source of the study, which can lead students to enhance their level of proficiency. The study used a qualitative method of the case study Japanese conversation lecture. Conversation lectures are usually done by memorizing text or role-play using existing text. The idea of this study is similar to role-play but, through CM students can learn pronunciation, articulation, and intonation from the native (actor) directly. This study represents the first stage of a research project aimed at raising student confidence and enhancing Japanese fluencies. The major finding was that a clear majority of students reported a considerably high motivation according to the use of terms ‘tanoshikatta’ and ‘omoshiroi’ on their feedback. It says that students were interested to do the assessment.


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Keywords: Second language acquisition; learning strategies; Online course; Learning motivation; Japanese study.

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