BibTex Citation Data :
@article{J@TI1925, author = {Wahyudi Sutopo}, title = {ANALISIS HUBUNGAN ANTARA KETERSEDIAAN PUSAT INFORMASI DAN INTENSITAS PUBLIKASI KEGIATAN WISATA TERHADAP KONTRIBUSI EKONOMI SEKTOR PARIWISATA}, journal = {J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara ketersediaan pusat informasi dan intensitas publikasi kegiatan wisata terhadap Kontribusi Ekonomi Sektor Pariwisata. Model matematis dikembangkan untuk memprediksi kontribusi ekonomi dari Industri Pariwisata jika aksesibilitas ke Obyek Wisata ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan ketersediaan informasi dan intensitas publikasi. Model yang dihasilkan berupa Simultaneous Equation Model terdiri dari 5 persamaan. Jumlah wisatawan nusantara, jumlah wisatawan mancanegara, dan lama tinggal dapat diprediksi dengan menggunakan model usulan. Kata kunci : aksesibilitas, pusat informasi pariwisata, intensitas publikasi, kontribusi ekonomi. In this paper, we propose an analysis of Interactions between accessibility and Economic contribution of Tourism sector. This model was developed to estimate the impact of information centre and tourism publication. Simultaneous Equation Models are estimated and tested consists of 5 equations. The findings suggest that the government improving of accessibility to tourism objects has significant impact to increasing the number of tourism arrival. The number of domestic tourist arrivals, the number of international tourist arrivals, and their long-stay at hotels has predicted by proposed-models. Key Words : accessibility, information centre, publication of tourist, economic contribution .}, issn = {2502-1516}, pages = {43--48} doi = {10.12777/jati.4.1.43-48}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara ketersediaan pusat informasi dan intensitas publikasi kegiatan wisata terhadap Kontribusi Ekonomi Sektor Pariwisata. Model matematis dikembangkan untuk memprediksi kontribusi ekonomi dari Industri Pariwisata jika aksesibilitas ke Obyek Wisata ditingkatkan melalui peningkatan ketersediaan informasi dan intensitas publikasi. Model yang dihasilkan berupa Simultaneous Equation Model terdiri dari 5 persamaan. Jumlah wisatawan nusantara, jumlah wisatawan mancanegara, dan lama tinggal dapat diprediksi dengan menggunakan model usulan.
Kata kunci: aksesibilitas, pusat informasi pariwisata, intensitas publikasi, kontribusi ekonomi.
In this paper, we propose an analysis of Interactions between accessibility and Economic contribution of Tourism sector. This model was developed to estimate the impact of information centre and tourism publication. Simultaneous Equation Models are estimated and tested consists of 5 equations. The findings suggest that the government improving of accessibility to tourism objects has significant impact to increasing the number of tourism arrival. The number of domestic tourist arrivals, the number of international tourist arrivals, and their long-stay at hotels has predicted by proposed-models.
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Last update: 2025-03-12 01:16:59
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