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Hubungan Karakteristik Ibu Keluarga Miskin dengan Pemilihan Tempat Pemeriksa Kehamilan di Kecamatan Sulang Kabupaten Rembang Tahun 2006

*Cahya Tri Purnami  -  Bagian Biostatistik dan Kependudukan FKM Undip, Indonesia
Mas’udah Mas’udah  -  Alumni FKM Undip, Indonesia

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Background : The goal of maternal and antenatal care is to strengthen to improve access and to omprove maternal and child health status effectively and efficiency. One of indicators to evaluate the program at health center level is the coverage of pregnant mothers who seek the
service (K4). The antenatal care service is provided free of charge for underprevilege families at community health centers, village midwives and village health posts under social security community health service. However, the coverage of pregnant mothers who seek the service
(K4) for underprevilege families at Sulang is still under target as recorded on 2005. The coverage of this community health center was still reach 39,6 %. This condition could be assumed that the utility of antenatal care servese is not at optimum level. The preference of antenatal care
service is a form of behavior in health. This research aims to know the association between demographic factors, maternal knowledge and antenatal care service preference amongst underprevilege families at Sulang Community Health Center, Rembang Regency.
Method : This study utilized explanatory survey. The respondents are 35 mothers from underprevilege famil ies who prefer to use the designated antenatal care service base on recommendation by local government and 40 mothers from underprevilege families who prefer to use the others on 2005. Proportionate random sampling was utilized based on random
number table. Data was analyzed using Chi-square test.
Result : Results showed there was a significant association between age and antenatal care service preference ( p-value= 0,001), a significant association between educational attainment and antenatal care service preference ( p-value= 0,007), a significant association between parity and antenatal care service preference ( p-value= 0,003). However range of birth is not association with antenatal care service preference ( p-value= 0,348). It is recommended to give communication, information and education amongst pregnant mothers at the age of <20 years old and >35 years old. Those include the risk of pregnancy and giving birth within
the high risk age, antenatal care service procedure, place and requirement to obtain free facility for antenatal care service amongst underprevilege family. The programme can be delivered through integrated health service posts (posyandu) and on household meetings.
Keywords : Antenatal care, Underprevileged family, Health assurance

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