Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
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@article{MKMI33530, author = {Eka Kristia Ayu Astuti and Ayun Sriatmi and Wulan Kusumastuti}, title = {Pengelolaan Linen Rawat Inap Di Instalasi Laundry RSUD Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang}, journal = {MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Pengelolaan Linen; Instalasi Laundry; Rumah Sakit}, abstract = { Latar belakang: Pengelolaan linen turut berkontribusi pada pembentukan citra rumah sakit di masyarakat. Pemanfaatan pelayanan rawat inap di RSUD Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang cukup tinggi, jika dilihat dari Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) dan Average Length o f Stay (AvLOS) rumah sakit. Namun, ketersediaan stok linen di rawat inap belum merata. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis pengelolaan linen rawat inap di Instalasi Laundry RSUD Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu indepth interview dengan purposive sampling . Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 6 orang informan utama dan 5 orang informan triangulasi. Aspek yang diteliti adalah aspek masukan dan proses pengelolaan linen. Hasil: Pada aspek masukan menunjukkan kekurangan tenaga pelaksana di laundry , sarana dan prasarana belum memenuhi standar, dan pelaksanaan SOP belum berjalan optimal. Pada aspek proses menunjukkan tidak terdapat standar batas penggunaan linen dalam perencanaan, masih ditemukan penyimpangan pada penanganan linen kotor, masih terdapat petugas yang tidak melakukan distribusi linen bersih pada jalur linen bersih, belum semua linen yang rusak dilakukan perawatan linen, dan pengisian dokumen pelaporan linen di rawat inap belum rutin. Simpulan : Terdapat kendala pada aspek masukan dan proses pengelolaan linen rawat inap di Instalasi Laundry RSUD Ungaran sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan pada aspek masukan dan proses pengelolaan linen. Kata kunci: Pengelolaan Linen, Instalasi Laundry , Rumah Sakit ABSTRACT Title: Management of Inpatient Linen in the Laundry Installation at RSUD Ungaran, Semarang Regency Background: Linen management contributes to the establishment of the image of the hospital in the community. Public quite interest with inpatient services at Ungaran Hospital, Semarang Regency, when it viewed from the BOR and AVLOS of the hospital. However, the availability of linen stocks in inpatient rooms is not evenly distributed. The aim of this research was to analyze the management of inpatient linen at the Laundry Installation at RSUD Ungaran, Semarang Regency . Method: This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological descriptive approach. The data collection technique was in-depth interview with purposive sampling. The research subjects consisting of 5 main informants and 5 triangulation informants. The aspects studied were the input and process aspects of linen management. Result: In the input aspect, it shows that there was a shortage of manpower laundry, the facilities and infrastructure have not met the standards, and the implementation of SOP has not been optimal. In the process aspect, it shows that there is no standard for the use of linen in planning, irregularities are still found in the implementation of handling dirty linen, there were officers who did not distribute clean linens on the clean linen route, not all damaged linens get treatment, and filling in linen reporting documents in inpatient was not routine yet. Conclusion: There are obstacles in the input and process aspects of the inpatient linen management at the RSUD Ungaran Laundry Installation, so it is necessary to improve the input and process aspects of the linen management . Keywords : Linen m anagement, l aundry i nstallation, h ospital }, issn = {2775-5614}, pages = {1--11} doi = {10.14710/mkmi.20.1.1-11}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/mkmi/article/view/33530} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Pengelolaan linen turut berkontribusi pada pembentukan citra rumah sakit di masyarakat. Pemanfaatan pelayanan rawat inap di RSUD Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang cukup tinggi, jika dilihat dari Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) dan Average Length of Stay (AvLOS) rumah sakit. Namun, ketersediaan stok linen di rawat inap belum merata. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis pengelolaan linen rawat inap di Instalasi Laundry RSUD Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu indepth interview dengan purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 6 orang informan utama dan 5 orang informan triangulasi. Aspek yang diteliti adalah aspek masukan dan proses pengelolaan linen.
Hasil: Pada aspek masukan menunjukkan kekurangan tenaga pelaksana di laundry, sarana dan prasarana belum memenuhi standar, dan pelaksanaan SOP belum berjalan optimal. Pada aspek proses menunjukkan tidak terdapat standar batas penggunaan linen dalam perencanaan, masih ditemukan penyimpangan pada penanganan linen kotor, masih terdapat petugas yang tidak melakukan distribusi linen bersih pada jalur linen bersih, belum semua linen yang rusak dilakukan perawatan linen, dan pengisian dokumen pelaporan linen di rawat inap belum rutin.
Simpulan: Terdapat kendala pada aspek masukan dan proses pengelolaan linen rawat inap di Instalasi Laundry RSUD Ungaran sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan pada aspek masukan dan proses pengelolaan linen.
Kata kunci: Pengelolaan Linen, Instalasi Laundry, Rumah Sakit
Background: Linen management contributes to the establishment of the image of the hospital in the community. Public quite interest with inpatient services at Ungaran Hospital, Semarang Regency, when it viewed from the BOR and AVLOS of the hospital. However, the availability of linen stocks in inpatient rooms is not evenly distributed. The aim of this research was to analyze the management of inpatient linen at the Laundry Installation at RSUD Ungaran, Semarang Regency.
Method: This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological descriptive approach. The data collection technique was in-depth interview with purposive sampling. The research subjects consisting of 5 main informants and 5 triangulation informants. The aspects studied were the input and process aspects of linen management.
Result: In the input aspect, it shows that there was a shortage of manpower laundry, the facilities and infrastructure have not met the standards, and the implementation of SOP has not been optimal. In the process aspect, it shows that there is no standard for the use of linen in planning, irregularities are still found in the implementation of handling dirty linen, there were officers who did not distribute clean linens on the clean linen route, not all damaged linens get treatment, and filling in linen reporting documents in inpatient was not routine yet.
Conclusion: There are obstacles in the input and process aspects of the inpatient linen management at the RSUD Ungaran Laundry Installation, so it is necessary to improve the input and process aspects of the linen management.
Keywords: Linen management, laundry installation, hospital
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Last update: 2025-03-13 20:06:12