BibTex Citation Data :
@article{MKTS58284, author = {Agus Maryono and Pratama Sembada and Ilmiawan Aji and Estu Wijayanti and Johan Setiadi and Seno Kuncoro and Hanif Rohim and Alfian Mahendra}, title = {Kajian Desain Pemanen Air Hujan Tipe Individual dan Komunal, (Studi Kasus: Desa Sawojajar, Kecamatan Wanasari, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah)}, journal = {MEDIA KOMUNIKASI TEKNIK SIPIL}, volume = {29}, number = {2}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Communal; individual; rainwater harvesting}, abstract = { Climate change and geographic location affect water availability. Coastal areas in Indonesia generally have drinking water problems because the well water is dry due to the dry season and the water is brackish, as is the case in Sawojajar Village in Brebes Regency, Central Java. On the other hand, the potential for rainwater in Sawojajar Village is quite good. The Brebes Regency Government is planning and implementing a rain harvesting (Gama Rain Filter) with an individual type for people who want to install rainwater harvestings in their homes, and a communal type for people who still want communal rainwater harvestings. This applied research aims to compare the two types. The individual type planning method for harvesting rain is carried out in each house and the communal type planning method is carried out in groups of houses. The planning carried out includes checking the quality and quantity of rainwater, calculating the dimensions of the storage tank, design drawings, and planning and implementation budget plans. The results of this applied research are the quality and quantity of rainwater, the design of individual and communal type rainwater harvestings, and the planning costs and implementation costs required. This research resulted in the conclusion that the individual type rain harvesting is more recommended than the communal type because the individual type costs less to plan and construct, is more flexible in placement, easier to manufacture, and maintains operations more securely. }, issn = {25496778}, pages = {261--270} doi = {10.14710/mkts.v29i2.58284}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Climate change and geographic location affect water availability. Coastal areas in Indonesia generally have drinking water problems because the well water is dry due to the dry season and the water is brackish, as is the case in Sawojajar Village in Brebes Regency, Central Java. On the other hand, the potential for rainwater in Sawojajar Village is quite good. The Brebes Regency Government is planning and implementing a rain harvesting (Gama Rain Filter) with an individual type for people who want to install rainwater harvestings in their homes, and a communal type for people who still want communal rainwater harvestings. This applied research aims to compare the two types. The individual type planning method for harvesting rain is carried out in each house and the communal type planning method is carried out in groups of houses. The planning carried out includes checking the quality and quantity of rainwater, calculating the dimensions of the storage tank, design drawings, and planning and implementation budget plans. The results of this applied research are the quality and quantity of rainwater, the design of individual and communal type rainwater harvestings, and the planning costs and implementation costs required. This research resulted in the conclusion that the individual type rain harvesting is more recommended than the communal type because the individual type costs less to plan and construct, is more flexible in placement, easier to manufacture, and maintains operations more securely.
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Last update: 2025-03-12 01:59:08