Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{NTS26971, author = {Subiyanti Subiyanti and Budi Santoso and Jumadi Purwoatmodjo}, title = {IMPLEMENTASI WASIAT WAJIBAH UNTUK ANAK ANGKAT MENURUT KOMPILASI HUKUM ISLAM (KHI)}, journal = {Notarius}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Wasiat Wajibah, Pengangkatan Anak}, abstract = { A will is a gift from someone to another person, in the form of objects, receivables, and benefits to be owned by the recipient of a will as a gift that is valid after the death of a person who wills. From the results of this study, it is known that (1) The legal consequences of adoption according to the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) are the emergence of Vocation, Trusteeship, Inheritance Rights, Mahram of marriage. In terms of inheritance, adopted children in KHI are not releasing nasab from their biological parents, adopted children do not inherit from adoptive parents and vice versa, but adopted children get mandatory wills that must not be more than 1/3 part of their adoptive parents by Article 209 paragraph. In practice, the granting of mandatory wills for adopted children has been decided by the Religious Courts Institute in Indonesia (2) The obstacle is that there is still a disparity in the mandatory portion of wills for adopted children. Some Religious Courts judges do not want to be bothered to give inheritance rights for adopted children based on compulsory wills as much as 1/3 of the inheritance of their adopted parents, without considering whether the maximum granting has robbed the rights of heirs or is it fair and wise. Whereas some other judges give part of the obligatory will not exceed the smallest part of the heirs. Keywords : Mandatory Wills, Child Appointment Abstrak Wasiat merupakan pemberian seseorang kepada orang lain, baik berupa benda, piutang, maupun manfaat untuk dimiliki oleh penerima wasiat sebagai pemberian yang berlaku setelah wafatnya orang yang berwasiat. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa (1) Akibat hukum adanya pengangkatan anak menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) adalah munculnya Panggilan, Perwalian, Hak waris, Mahram kawin. Dalam hal kewarisan, anak angkat dalam KHI adalah tidak melepas nasab dari orang tua kandungnya, maka anak angkat tidak mewaris dari orang tua angkatnya dan sebaliknya, tetapi anak angkat mendapatkan wasiat wajibah yang tidak boleh lebih dari 1/3 bagian dari orang tua angkatnya sesuai dengan Pasal 209 ayat. Secara praktik, pemberian wasiat wajibah bagi anak angkat telah diputuskan oleh Lembaga Peradilan Agama di Indonesia (2) Kendalanya adalah masih terdapat disparitas bagian wasiat wajibah bagi anak angkat. Sebagian hakim Pengadilan Agama tidak mau repot secara serta merta memberikan hak waris bagi anak angkat berdasarkan wasiat wajibah sebesar 1/3 dari harta warisan orang tua angkatnya, tanpa mempertimbangkan apakah pemberian maksimal tersebut telah merampas hak-hak ahli waris ataukah telah adil dan bijaksana. Kata Kunci : Wasiat Wajibah, Pengangkatan Anak }, issn = {2686-2425}, pages = {313--320} doi = {10.14710/nts.v12i1.26971}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/notarius/article/view/26971} }
Refworks Citation Data :
A will is a gift from someone to another person, in the form of objects, receivables, and benefits to be owned by the recipient of a will as a gift that is valid after the death of a person who wills. From the results of this study, it is known that (1) The legal consequences of adoption according to the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) are the emergence of Vocation, Trusteeship, Inheritance Rights, Mahram of marriage. In terms of inheritance, adopted children in KHI are not releasing nasab from their biological parents, adopted children do not inherit from adoptive parents and vice versa, but adopted children get mandatory wills that must not be more than 1/3 part of their adoptive parents by Article 209 paragraph. In practice, the granting of mandatory wills for adopted children has been decided by the Religious Courts Institute in Indonesia (2) The obstacle is that there is still a disparity in the mandatory portion of wills for adopted children. Some Religious Courts judges do not want to be bothered to give inheritance rights for adopted children based on compulsory wills as much as 1/3 of the inheritance of their adopted parents, without considering whether the maximum granting has robbed the rights of heirs or is it fair and wise. Whereas some other judges give part of the obligatory will not exceed the smallest part of the heirs.
Keywords: Mandatory Wills, Child Appointment
Wasiat merupakan pemberian seseorang kepada orang lain, baik berupa benda, piutang, maupun manfaat untuk dimiliki oleh penerima wasiat sebagai pemberian yang berlaku setelah wafatnya orang yang berwasiat. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa (1) Akibat hukum adanya pengangkatan anak menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) adalah munculnya Panggilan, Perwalian, Hak waris, Mahram kawin. Dalam hal kewarisan, anak angkat dalam KHI adalah tidak melepas nasab dari orang tua kandungnya, maka anak angkat tidak mewaris dari orang tua angkatnya dan sebaliknya, tetapi anak angkat mendapatkan wasiat wajibah yang tidak boleh lebih dari 1/3 bagian dari orang tua angkatnya sesuai dengan Pasal 209 ayat. Secara praktik, pemberian wasiat wajibah bagi anak angkat telah diputuskan oleh Lembaga Peradilan Agama di Indonesia (2) Kendalanya adalah masih terdapat disparitas bagian wasiat wajibah bagi anak angkat. Sebagian hakim Pengadilan Agama tidak mau repot secara serta merta memberikan hak waris bagi anak angkat berdasarkan wasiat wajibah sebesar 1/3 dari harta warisan orang tua angkatnya, tanpa mempertimbangkan apakah pemberian maksimal tersebut telah merampas hak-hak ahli waris ataukah telah adil dan bijaksana.
Kata Kunci : Wasiat Wajibah, Pengangkatan Anak
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Last update: 2025-03-05 06:13:27
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