BibTex Citation Data :
@article{NTS30325, author = {Andika Tanaya Setiadi and Paramita Prananingtyas and Irawati Irawati}, title = {ANALISIS UPAYA HUKUM PIHAK KETIGA TERHADAP EKSEKUSI BENDA JAMINAN}, journal = {Notarius}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, keywords = {}, abstract = { In general, the execution of collateral objects raises disputes because creditors want the right to repay debts on collateral objects while debtors are not willing to guarantee collateral executed for debt repayment. The debtor maintains the collateral object by taking legal action to court. This study discusses the third party legal remedies against the execution of collateral objects with the aim of analyzing the execution of collateral objects, and the third party legal remedies in the execution of collateral objects. The juridical normative approach is used. This paper shows that the execution of bank credit guarantee land that is burdened with mortgage rights is carried out based on Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage Rights (UUHT). However, there are no implementing regulations regarding the procedure or procedure for executing the Mortgage right object so that the execution of the mortgage right is based on Article 224 HIR / Article 258 RBg. Legal remedies for third parties in the execution of the execution of collateral objects, namely bringing a lawsuit to the court to cancel the execution of collateral objects. With regard to the lawsuit, it is first determined whether the third party has a relationship with the object of the dispute to determine whether the third party has the capacity to file the claim. If it does not have a connection with the object of the dispute, then it does not have the capacity to file a lawsuit so the claim should be rejected. Keywords: execution; guarantee item Abstrak Pada umumnya pelaksanaan eksekusi benda jaminan menimbulkan sengketa karena kreditur menghendaki hak pelunasan hutang atas benda jaminan sedangkan debitur tidak rela benda jaminan dieksekusi untuk pelunasan hutang. Debitur mempertahankan benda jaminan dengan melakukan upaya hukum ke pengadilan. Penelitian ini membahas upaya hukum pihak ketiga terhadap eksekusi benda jaminan dengan tujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan eksekusi benda jaminan, dan upaya hukum pihak ketiga dalam eksekusi benda jaminan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan yuridis normatif. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa eksekusi tanah jaminan kredit bank yang dibebani hak tanggungan dilaksanakan berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan (UUHT). Namun belum ada peraturan pelaksanaan tentang prosedur atau tata cara eksekusi obyek Hak Tanggungan sehingga pelaksanaan eksekusi hak tanggungan didasarkan Pasal 224 HIR/ Pasal 258 RBg. Upaya hukum bagi pihak ketiga dalam pelaksanaan eksekusi benda jaminan yaitu melakukan gugatan ke pengadilan untuk membatalkan eksekusi benda jaminan. Terhadap gugatan tersebut mula-mula ditentukan apakah pihak ketiga tersebut mempunyai keterkaitan dengan obyek sengketa untuk menentukan apakah pihak ketiga tersebut mempunyai kapasitas mengajukan gugatan. Jika tidak mempunyai keterkaitan dengan obyek sengketa maka tidak mempunyai kapasitas mengajukan gugatan sehingga gugatannya patut ditolak. K ata kunci : eksekusi; benda jaminan }, issn = {2686-2425}, pages = {209--223} doi = {10.14710/nts.v13i1.30325}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
In general, the execution of collateral objects raises disputes because creditors want the right to repay debts on collateral objects while debtors are not willing to guarantee collateral executed for debt repayment. The debtor maintains the collateral object by taking legal action to court. This study discusses the third party legal remedies against the execution of collateral objects with the aim of analyzing the execution of collateral objects, and the third party legal remedies in the execution of collateral objects. The juridical normative approach is used. This paper shows that the execution of bank credit guarantee land that is burdened with mortgage rights is carried out based on Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage Rights (UUHT). However, there are no implementing regulations regarding the procedure or procedure for executing the Mortgage right object so that the execution of the mortgage right is based on Article 224 HIR / Article 258 RBg. Legal remedies for third parties in the execution of the execution of collateral objects, namely bringing a lawsuit to the court to cancel the execution of collateral objects. With regard to the lawsuit, it is first determined whether the third party has a relationship with the object of the dispute to determine whether the third party has the capacity to file the claim. If it does not have a connection with the object of the dispute, then it does not have the capacity to file a lawsuit so the claim should be rejected.
Keywords: execution; guarantee item
Pada umumnya pelaksanaan eksekusi benda jaminan menimbulkan sengketa karena kreditur menghendaki hak pelunasan hutang atas benda jaminan sedangkan debitur tidak rela benda jaminan dieksekusi untuk pelunasan hutang. Debitur mempertahankan benda jaminan dengan melakukan upaya hukum ke pengadilan. Penelitian ini membahas upaya hukum pihak ketiga terhadap eksekusi benda jaminan dengan tujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan eksekusi benda jaminan, dan upaya hukum pihak ketiga dalam eksekusi benda jaminan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan yuridis normatif. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa eksekusi tanah jaminan kredit bank yang dibebani hak tanggungan dilaksanakan berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan (UUHT). Namun belum ada peraturan pelaksanaan tentang prosedur atau tata cara eksekusi obyek Hak Tanggungan sehingga pelaksanaan eksekusi hak tanggungan didasarkan Pasal 224 HIR/ Pasal 258 RBg. Upaya hukum bagi pihak ketiga dalam pelaksanaan eksekusi benda jaminan yaitu melakukan gugatan ke pengadilan untuk membatalkan eksekusi benda jaminan. Terhadap gugatan tersebut mula-mula ditentukan apakah pihak ketiga tersebut mempunyai keterkaitan dengan obyek sengketa untuk menentukan apakah pihak ketiga tersebut mempunyai kapasitas mengajukan gugatan. Jika tidak mempunyai keterkaitan dengan obyek sengketa maka tidak mempunyai kapasitas mengajukan gugatan sehingga gugatannya patut ditolak.
Kata kunci : eksekusi; benda jaminan
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Last update: 2025-02-22 08:03:53
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