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1Universitas Udayana, Indonesia

2Universitas Udayana

Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik under

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This research discusses public space in Denpasar, Bali, focusing on Lapangan Puputan. Theoretically, public space has three functions, namely recreational, social interaction and political aspect. Using Habermas's theory on public space, this article found Lapangan Puputan fulfils three functions of public space. Yet, there is a lack of society's understanding on the function of public space, in which the space is functioned more for economic activity. They also refuse if Lapangan Puputan is used for political activity.

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Keywords: Public Space; Public Space Function; Perception on Public Space
Funding: PNPB 2017 melalui skema penelitian Hibah Dosen Muda LPPM Universitas Udayana 2017

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