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Why does female voters prefer vote buying in local head elections?

1Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

2Department of International Relation, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright (c) 2023 Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik under

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This study aims to analyze the determinants of vote buying preferences among female voters in local head elections. We identify eight independent variables (education, income, welfare, happiness, risk-taking attitude, place of residence, age, and marital status) as a predictor of Y. This research used the 5th Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data, which was collected by Rand Corporation, Ltd., during 2014 – 2015 in 13 (thirteen) provinces in Indonesia. The data were analyzed by logistic regression technique using STATA 15. The results showed that only four independent variables had a statistically significant relationship with Y: education level, risk-taking attitude, income level, and marital status. These four independent variables can explain Y by 2.48% significantly, X2 (4) = 357.23, p < 0.01. At the variable level, all variables have a negative relationship with Y, except for marital status (142%) which has the largest contribution to explain Y. The effect of income, risk-taking attituted, and education on Y respectively is 90.62%, 80.90%, 31.11%. The final model of logistic regression produces the characteristics of female voters who tend to choose candidates local head election due to money politics: education below senior high school/equivalent, married, poor, and not willing to take risks. The author recommends all governments at all levels continue the modernization process in all aspects of the social life of Indonesian citizens.

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Keywords: female voter; local head elections; IFLS; local head election; money politics

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