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Analisis Daya Tampung Lingkungan (Beban Pencemaran Air) di Kawasan Porong Kabupaten Sidoarjo ex Penambangan Lapindo

Analysis of Environmental Capacity (Water Pollution Load) in the Porong Area, Sidoarjo Regency, ex Lapindo Mining

*Shinfi Wazna Auvaria orcid  -  Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia
Ida Munfarida  -  Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

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The Sidoarjo mudflow occurred in 2006 near the housing area that could cause physical and material environmental damage. Besides, secondary effects caused by it will increase the environmental capacity. If an area has detected exceeds the capacity of the environment it will impact permanent environmental damage. This study's objective was to evaluate the environmental capacity of the Porong District (Sidoarjo) as a result of Sidoarjo mud eruption ex. Lapindo Mining through the water pollution load-carrying capacity approach. Based on the research, it was found that in general, the parameters had exceeded the Class II quality standard according to PP No.82/2001, that are total dissolved solids (TDS) dan chemical oxygen demand (COD) (station 4), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, and ammonia (all stations), Fe and nitrite (station 1), phosphate (station1, 3-4) and manganese (station 2). The parameters of TDS, BOD, COD (station 4), chloride, nitrite (station 1), ammonia, phosphate (station 1 and 3), and manganese (station 2) are known to have exceeded the environmental capacity. The recommendations include wastewater management, reducing pollutants into rivers, and implementing biotechnology to minimize water pollution.
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Keywords: load carrying capacity; pollution load; The Sidoarjo mudflow

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Last update: 2025-01-31 09:31:43

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