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Halal Perspective of Microbial Bioprocess Based-Food Products

*Muhamad Kurniadi  -  Research Unit for Natural Product Technology (BPTBA), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
Andri Frediansyah  -  Research Unit for Natural Product Technology (BPTBA), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
Received: 30 Jul 2016; Published: 9 Jan 2017.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 REAKTOR

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Halal food industries are growing rapidly in line with the growing number of World’s Muslim populations. The demand of halal food products by the non-Muslim’s countries have also increase as the increasing of the general public understanding of the strickly processed to achive halal status. Halal food is more than just a food product. It is also protect people from poisons, intoxication and hazardous substances exposure. Microbial bioprocess based-food products is one of alternative to create a variety of good quality and nutritious food products. These products can be fermented food, nutraceutical, whole microbes, probiotic and synbiotic. The presence of several microbes in gastric intestinal tract will also maintain mictobiota of human gut. Microbial agent is also important on producing the aroma, taste and color. It is also important on modifiying of food materials. As Muslim, people should follow the halal dietary laws. Halal food means any process to be a food product that is permissible of lawful by Islamic laws. It is defined in the holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. In general, the microbial based-food products are categorized into halal, haram and doubtful. To achieve the lawful status, six of main critical points in the use of microbes in food processing need to be considered. Microbial metabolite such as ethanol is one of crucial factor in order to achieve halal status of food products. In order to achieve the global halal market, several strategies must be applied to microbial bioprocess based-food industries.

Keywords: microbe, halal, industry, bioprocess, critical point

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