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Fortifikasi Seng (Zn) pada Beras Analog Berbahan Dasar Tepung dan Pati Ubi Ungu

*Noer Abyor Handayani  -  Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University, Indonesia
herry santosa  -  Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University, Indonesia
aprilina purbasari  -  Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University, Indonesia
heny kusumayanti  -  Department of Chemical Engineering (Vokasi) Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Received: 6 Jan 2017; Published: 9 Feb 2017.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 REAKTOR

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ZINC FORTIFICATION OF ARTIFICIAL RICE FROM PURPLE SWEET POTATO FLOUR AND STARCH. Zinc deficiency is believed to be as common as that of iron, with equally negatives consequences. Fortification of artificial rice with zinc is a cost-effective method that can be used to solve this problem. In the present study, artificial rice made from purple sweet potatoes flour and starchwere evaluated as food vehicles for fortification with zinc. This study consists of four main stages, preparation of flour and starch of purple sweet potatoes, zinc fortification, and artificial rice production. Zinc sulphate and zin acetate were used as the fortificant, and added at a level 50, 75, 100, and 125 ppm. Artificial rice fortified with zinc has been successfully carried out. Zinc concentrations in fortified artificial rice are higher than unfortified rice. Artificial rice has a porous structure, in order to improve the rehydration capacity.    


Keywords : Artificial rice, Zinc (Zn) fortification , Purple weet potato flour, Purple sweet potato starch,


Defisiensi seng dipercaya telah meluas dan memiliki pengaruh negatif yang sama dengan defisiensi besi. Fortifikasi seng pada beras analog dipercaya dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian dengan variasi penambahan konsentrasi Zn pada beras analog ubi ungu. Penelitian ini menggunakan beras analog yang terbuat dari tepung dan pati ubi ungu sebagai food vehicle. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 tahapan utama, pembuatan tepung dan pati ubi ungu, tahap fortifikasi seng, dan proses pembuatan beras analog. Seng sulfat dan seng asetat ditambahkan pada konsentrasi 50, 75, 100, dan 125 ppm. Beras analog terfortifikasi seng memiliki konsentrasi seng yang lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan beras analog tanpa fortifikan. Beras analog terfortifikasi seng juga memiliki struktur berpori sehingg dapat meningkatkan kemampuan rehidrasi. 


Kata Kunci : Beras analog, Fortifikasi Seng (Zn), Pati ubi ungu, Tepung ubi ungu

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Keywords: Beras analog, Fortifikasi Seng (Zn), Pati ubi ungu, Tepung ubi ungu

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